
Time for my weekly update.

I am thinking that next weekend – on Fathers day I am going to go visit Michael. I haven’t done so by myself since I’ve been up here- so it’s as good as time as any.

This last week was semi-busy. Over the weekend – well it was pretty unproductive. Other than my usual cleaning which I had blogged about I also went grocery shopping. I also had some interviews this week. Two that I had been looking forward to.

First one was First Tech Credit Union – I arrived at 1:20pm (it was a 4 or 5 hour job fair just for First Tech) and JJ came with me, we didn’t finish until 4:20ish. It was almost a good 3 and 1/2 hours of waiting. My interviewer told me my interview would only last five minutes- and she only had some questions she wanted to ask me. JJ was like 5 minutes behind me, but his did last a little longer than mine.

After that, we went home- cooked some burgers and made our way to the Lloyd Center Cinema to see a pre screening of the movie ‘Imagine that’ and I was surprised. It was a family movie but it turned out to be pretty good.

On Wednesday I spent the day preparing for my interview with Providence. I really tried to look up as much as I could and tried to think of ways that I would fit in.. and looking at the companies goals, I think it would be a great fit. I’m not sold on doing a phone job again – but working for a company with a purpose could fill in that area where I don’t want to do it.

Thursday I had my interview with Providence – and it was good. I think I did well.. but in an interview – unless you get the job on the spot who really knows how it went?

I won’t find out if I’m getting a second interview with First Tech until later on this week- and the same with Providence, I won’t find out until I got the job til later this week.

Tomorrow I have an interview with Aflac, then I have another interview on Thursday of next week with a company in Vancouver. So I have enough to keep me busy- but I would like if I could get a job this week.

Thursday night me and JJ went out to eat at Marie Calenders, and after that good dinner we went home and played “Lips” a karaoke type game where you sing songs and earn points on how well you sing it. We were up until 5:30am playing that game.

Friday we slept in and of course – Friday night I was back cleaning the whole place. Saturday I went to church with Stacie again – she informed me she is moving to Seattle. We also watched Wall-E on Stars and that was about it for the night..

Slept in again today, and here we are. Now I’m watching “I’m a celebrity get me out of here” and getting texts from Ruth and Deniece trying to make plans to hang out.

Last bit of information – 2nine.us is now a registered domain which jshox.com will be changing to shortly.

Church was great, talked about judging- and next week Ted Haggard will be at church. Should be good.

just Pray

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