
yesterday was Amanda’s wedding.. so from this point forward she is no longer Amanda Shields, but rather Amanda Daniels. I did well, I went to the place and was able to hold my own – on my own, for a good 2+hours. Granted the whole thing lasted 6 hours or so, but I didn’t stay the whole time. After they were married (at a lovely place, everything worked out nicely) they informed everyone to go to their assigned tables. Dun dun dun

There lies the problem, I didn’t have any table to which I was assigned to. I was on my way out (literally just standing at the exit) sending last minute texts to the bride about the whole event, and to Anna who gave me directions and told me when to come). I had just sent out the last text when I heard Amanda’s voice. I was able to go over and congratulate her. She was so cute, she says “Jason! I’m so glad you could make it. Let me introduce you to my husband– MY husband! – its the first time I’ve been able to do that!” He seems like a great guy from what I was able to see and hear. I really do wish them the very best. I ran into Jeniese (who didn’t say anything) haha, and Dayna- who gave the standard polite hug that you give to someone who you haven’t seen in quite some time.

All in all it was nice. I wish I had been able to stay for longer, but I had nobody to sit or eat with. I was already getting people constantly looking at me – trying to figure out where I belonged. I didn’t know that either, so it was something we both were trying to figure out. Anyway, I didn’t want to impose- so when I heard the “assigned tables” I decided that was my time to leave.

Afterwards – because I was parked at the Lloyd Center, I went to grab something to eat on the east side and then went to church at Living Hope. I was probably one of the most dressed up people in the building. That is not typically the case, but it was on that day.

After church I went to the Cascade campus and waited to hear back from Micah – who unfortunately for me was asleep at the time, so after waiting about twenty minutes I left for home. It was beautiful outside despite the warmer than average day.

I haven’t heard much back for jobs as of yet, but I am continuing to apply at more and more places. I am going for an interview with this company that finds people jobs (but it isn’t a temp agency) – hopefully they will be able to find something for me.

JJ recently paid his half of the car rental- I took that as a very good sign. He is also loving this new bar he found, he has been to it three nights in a row- and is making some friends out here too. As for a job? Well, he is trying to network a job from the Bar..

The finals match up is all set. The Orlando Magic vs the Los Angeles Lakers. Hopefully the Magic will win – but who knows. I am quite glad that Cleveland was taken out- quite easily by the Magic.

The Hangover – that movie is coming out on June 5th I believe, anyway I have pre-screening passes that me and JJ are going to use. We have two of them – one on Monday and one on Thursday. I hope to use the one for tomorrow (as I hope to have other plans later on in the week).

I think that is all I have for now.

just Pray

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