
So I went to Living Hope Church on Saturday. It was good… I invited Stacie to go (apparently she had not gone to church in 16 months?) I guess she liked it.. at least she didn’t complain.

What else.. the apartment maintenance department came and took care of our problems. Pretty much all of them (after talking to the assistant manager of the place). The buzzing light in our kitchen will wait for a little longer as they need to order some parts and come back later this week. Otherwise, since then the Washer has ceased to work. That was kind of annoying to learn about but I’ll deal with it… otherwise that’s it. Things have gone a little better. JJ doesn’t like to eat with anyone else unless they pay for him. It is pretty funny. The last meal we ate together was when I paid for him at this pizza place in downtown Portland.

He has been alright, quiet at times- and is def not a morning person. It is pretty funny.. some of the things I over hear him talking about with his friends back in Arizona. How he doesn’t have time to look for a job (because he is getting everything taken care of around here) … bologna. Or how he doesn’t know of any good drinking areas. I found that last part funny, because when he was telling me about moving out here- he told me he wanted to turn a leaf, get into things where he wouldn’t be wasting his life. Doing things productive with his time, blah blah. Oh well. My first hint that he doesn’t like it out here.

“Well.. if it doesn’t work out here, I already know my worst case scenario.”

“Really? I guess I know mine. Living out here alone.”

“Yeah well I wouldn’t want to go back and live with my family, but if it comes to that…”

Pretty funny, we are in our second week of being out here and he is already thinking of what may happen in regards to that. He hasn’t filled out one job application – but no no listen to this.

I was looking at government jobs in the area. One job listing was an IT position for Portland – paid 90K/yr. He’s like, I could do that. I’ll probably go for that. And while talking to his family and friends in Arizona he was telling them all about the job. I thought at times that I was being unrealistic waiting for a 17/hr job, but 90k/yr? That makes me laugh.

Anyway… it seems like he is telling the story that poor him has to do everything in order for it to get done (yet a week and a day later we still don’t have our own internet). Yeah, he’s busy alright. Busy procrastinating.

Meanwhile, I have been applying for lots of jobs. From tellers, to Rite Aide, even call center jobs. I would not expect to hear much from anyone until at least later today or tomorrow (as I applied to these jobs over the weekend and yesterday was Memorial day).

I’ve been pretty bored lately. In fact yesterday I fell asleep at like 9:30 and only woke up once at 11:30 to turn off my light. Next time I looked it was almost 9am this morning.

Alas, things with the apartment have improved – things elsewhere are still to be seen.

just Pray

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