
I suppose I have a lot to talk about. It is nearly 3:30 am, but I can’t sleep.. so I’m listening to Switchfoot on my phone and decided to type up a blog.

First thing on my mind tonight – was that I do not believe I will get married. Like – ever. I just don’t see it happening. I know people that I could “live” with the rest of my life, but nobody I could “live without” – I know I’m still “young” but I feel old and that life is slipping through my hands. It will be good to have a new grip on life in a couple of weeks when I am living in Portland. I know it won’t change any of my problems, but it will give me a new set of circumstances.

Oh, speaking of that. Stacie and I have been talking.. and if we date- I don’t see anything to come from it. I’d date her, sure. I just don’t think anything would come of it. I am going to tell her that I am not ready for anything serious. I do not want her to have the expectation of getting married – or getting really serious because that option (of dating) is on the table.

Anyway.. moving on.

jay29 is looking to be a winner.. I like it.. I almost went out and bought it a week ago, but I just.. hesitated and I haven’t done so since.

Work! On Monday I let my managers know that I will be leaving- – partly due to all of the circumstance that is surrounding my family. They are going to put me on FMLA- they said it fits in the criteria. They have been looking for jobs for me.. and a few people at work want to get together this week and say goodbye. Jennifer, Aaron and some others.

I was against having a going away lunch, but I was kinda put on the spot about it- because Jeff opened his big mouth about the whole thing. So I gave in and said it was fine as long as they didn’t make a big deal about me. Everyone agreed. So work is going well. My manager keeps telling me that I’m a stand up guy and doing good things.

UAT! I’ve been trying to break the new system for the better part of this week. Testing the first day went really slow (as most of the systems had so many flaws you couldn’t operate in them at all). The second day it was much improved and we were able to break the system all by ourselves đŸ™‚

The whole process ended on Friday, and today– being Saturday means that in 7 days I will leave to move to Portland. It is surprising, and kind of surreal. In some ways it doesn’t feel like it will happen – but then my anticipation for the whole thing is reminding me that big things are in store.

Random thing. I have a new laptop and have been transferring all of my files from my old laptop and old desktop to the new laptop (consolidating everything). I came across a conversation I had with JJ while he was in Ohio. He talked about how he had big hopes but that it wasn’t what he thought it was. That he missed the sun and that he was ready to come back. I really got a sick feeling to my stomach when I read it…

Anyway.. I don’t know why I had that conversation saved.

I forgot to mention that I saw the new Star Trek movie on Tuesday (the 5th of May). It was great. By far one of the better movies I’ve ever seen – and the best Star Trek movie to date. The story line, the cast.. everything was seamless. Not at all what I expected.. but very good. I have recommended everyone to see it.


One week. I can hardly believe it.

Still many things to get straightened out. We will see how this works!

just Pray

p.s. What is the deal with everyone and their sister getting a tattoo lately? They aren’t attractive, or cool.. or the “in” thing.. so why do it? Yet a good number of people I know are either getting/ have gotten/ or want a tattoo.

it is…. annoying.

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