
This weekend Ruth is coming to visit. Thats fun, I haven’t seen her since… I left Cascade. Yeah its been that long. It’ll be good to see her. I need to think of something to do, not that it really matters- but it would be nice to have an idea.

Haven’t talked to JJ in a while, but he has sent his computer into repair and has a new phone number now. Hum..

Is the idea of marriage too outdated for the 21st century?

Absolutely not. I think people need to grow up. Ugh, figuratively speaking at least. The idea of marriage – is what God intended. Outside of that “view” … too many people have too many false expectations. Porn, Multiple sex partners, affairs and the list goes on…

They want a certain thing and we wonder why divorce is made so easy now and is seen as a natural thing. Divorce rates for 2nd and 3rd times range up in the 60 to 70% chance of failing. Heck we live in a world where you can get everything “On Demand” so why not?

In other countries (I’ve talked to my friends from other countries about this subject before) and it isn’t seen as a normal thing, at least not in all countries. I mean it is a huge in thing in the community and the peoples lives. Now as I say that, I admit that I’ve known some people to get divorces and it is a huge thing, not normal. But I’m talking about from a bigger standpoint. Like it would make news. But then it makes news now….. depending on who gets a divorce. In these unnamed other cultures it is seen as socially wrong.


Maybe in a country where the average person will have twenty one (21) to thirty (30) sexual partners in their life (on average per person in this great God fearing country) it is too outdated. Or perhaps people have gotten away from logic, and from sense – just going for what feels best at the moment. Tearing the word Love down to nothing more than something you should say before you jump in bed with this person you’ve known for a whole 30 minutes.

I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’ve only been propositioned by 3 different women (none were girlfriends) thus far none of which I knew well enough for them to suggest. And I don’t even go to clubs…

It frustrates me. This idea that marriage is outdated. Society is changing – not for the better. Divorce rates use to be high a long time ago (I do not have any facts right now– sorry) but then in the 40’s the divorce rate was terribly low.

So, what is it? Is it just a cycle that society just goes through every once in a while? Will we eventually go back to our roots? More and more people are holding off on marriage altogether because they refuse to have a failed relationship like their parents.

Like their parents.

Ephesians – Chapter 5:31-33 ( taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation ©) 31. As the Scriptures say, “A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” 32. This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one. 33. So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
It makes so much sense. But no, marriage and the idea of it isn’t outdated for the 21’st century. It is the people around the idea that constantly change, and want to change the rules to and of marriage.

If you are talking about a marriage which God set up for us, then how can that ever be outdated?

Then perhaps the question should be is God outdated for the 21st century?

just Pray

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