So below this is a blog from an old friend.. then her boyfriends response to my comment.  Looking to see what the natural reaction to this sort of thing is… any thoughts or whatnot.. you can email me or leave them here.

Anyway.. I removed the links to the blogs and the usernames..  (not sure if they would want to be linked). 

This entry is for every person who comes across my journal. Enjoy it as I spit in your face.

Every day I am growing to hate everyone (except Chris) and myself more and more and more. I am absolutely weak filled with contradictions engraved into my bones.

Those so called ‘friends’ are insulted or upset when I don’t want to talk. When I don’t feel like being nice. Bulls*** shoved right down your f***ing throats. I don’t exist to make ANYONE happy but Chris. F***ing internet friends are a joke in all entirety. I will never have a life where they are included when they don’t even Mean something nor will they ever remain in my life. They don’t effect it, make it better, change it, are ACTUALLY IN IT. Pieces of s*** like the people already around me.

Family is a serious f***ing halarious joke I have ever witnessed. What pisses me off so greatly is that I can’t even get f***ing angry. I CAN’T SHOW EMOTION. It isn’t allowed or else i’m in more trouble. Wow, what emotionaly conciderate son of a b****es.

Which, speaking of Witnesses – I F***ING HATE THEM. I HATE EVERY F***ING CHRISTIAN RELIGION THAT EXISTS. I’m going to f***ing burn your beloved rotting churches to the ground. I will make ash out of every brick, stone, piece of wood, glass, nail, screw, your f***ing alters and Every tiny piece of s*** for your f***ing God.

F***ing d***it you know. It’s so fustrating to show how you feel when you’re on your period because guess what? THATS THE F****ING EXCUSE PEOPLE GIVE YOU FOR BEING PISSED OFF! So i’m supposed to shut the f*** up to prove a point that it’s not hormones? I’m naturally pissed off but when I want to show it, it’s quick to be said that my hormones are perverting my harmonious mentality. When i’m not on my period, i’m pmsing? Or i’m being a grouch? What the hell is wrong with you people f***ing around with my head then laughing at me??

Mmm, since I am feeling truthfuly wonderful I want to point out something that Chris had done to me. As it also has a connection to all of this.

Genesis 3:5
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Satan points out to everyone (meaning present time) that God had deprived people of knowing right and wrong, presumably telling them what they should do. How could someone make decisions on their own to begin with when you have 1) Someone always telling you what you Should do and 2) They knew not of what was good and bad period, just what their told. So ladies and gents; WHERE THE F*** WAS YOUR FREE WILL IN THE BEGINING?

“Satan gives people free will.”

Hail Satan

  Posted 12/10/2006 at 12:56 AM – email it

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God’s mind is so much greater than our own.  He gives us the option to choose if we Love or follow him.  That is how great His love is.  Satan brings what there is without God.  Satan turned on God… God never even intended for Hell to be for humans.  It was created as a place for Satan.  Hell’s biggest pain is the lack of God and his spirit.  I do care for you my friend.  I hope you are well.

Posted 12/10/2006 at 4:33 AM by Jshox

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Uh…a bit of an English lesson for you, Mr. Jason:

om·nis·cient (ŏm-nĭsh’ənt)
adj. Having total knowledge; knowing everything: an omniscient deity; the omniscient narrator.

God is omniscient, yes? If he never intended Hell to be for humans, but he ends up sending them there anyway, why didn’t he know that they’d end up there in the first place? He didn’t create man with free will; we were tricked into attaining it by Satan. God would at least have known that man would gain free will, so why didn’t he stop it? It’s obvious that his original intent for humanity was as a race of mindless worshipping drones, so he obviously wouldn’t want that to go awry. But it did. So the situation is thus:

God is not omniscient.

Or else he would have foreseen, and prevented, man from gaining free will. Or, if he is omniscient, then this must be true:

God is not omnipotent.

This is demonstrated by his inability to stop man from gaining free will, despite his advance knowledge of Satan’s scheme.

Or, more probably than both of the above:

God is not real.


Posted 12/10/2006 at 5:34 PM by [username here]

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I never said that God didn’t know humans would be sent to hell.  He did know that humans would be sent there, but my point is that it (Hell) wasn’t made with that intended purpose.  Man was and is created with free will.  If we didn’t have free will Humans would have never been able to eat of the apple in the garden of Eden.  God knows everything that happens.. and he knew that man would fall and choose otherwise…  He wants those who follow him to do so by choice.

That is why he didn’t stop us.  He wants us to have the choice between Good and evil, and to choose Him.  He knows our faults and what we do, but He loves us anyway.  His love is so great that He will let us fall down, but He will help us up, He wants us to rely on him. 

His angels also have free will, and that is why Satan turned along with the legions of angels thinking they could overpower the creator.

Free will is the Truth we find in Christ.  Not anywhere else.  The world is so blind to the notion.. everyone thinks that by living in Sin (I.e. all that is outside of God’s will) that it’s the “right” way to live.

However Sin is Bondage.

We are so fooled by the devil into thinking that to be free means to live outside of God’s will (sex, lies, etc) but it isn’t.  We were all purposefully, fearfully and wonderfully created (as the bible says).  When we are really free, we are free from sin.  So really we were created free, but after eating of the apple — That put humanity into Bondage.

Yes, God knows every move Satan has and will make.  Satan has already been defeated through Christ Jesus.  It is in Him we can attain salvation.. not by laws (as was the case in the old testament) but by grace.

Posted 12/10/2006 at 8:28 PM by Jshox

I’ll update if anything gets added… so you can refer back to this post if you are so interested to do so.

Pray Hard.


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