so we made it! we are in Portland… well Vancouver. We arrived today after two very long days of driving (one day was 13 hrs, and today was 10).
I am on for one reason, and that’s to say.. and to remind everyone that it is Kays Birthday today, and to bug her about it and tell her Happy Birthday even if you don’t know her, do so for me and I’ll give you props… Do so here.
I think everything to do with driving went without a problem, cept for one wait where traffic didn’t move for close to 45 minutes. (no joke I took a picture – I will upload it later when I’m not in a hotel room on my laptop, but rather when I get things unpacked)
Gas Prices here are cheaper than Phoenix. Isn’t that great? haha.. and during the day it got hot, well… warm haha. like 90 degrees.. and for Portland that’s pretty hot, but at night it feels so wonderful outside you forget it was ever warm during the day.
Don’t worry people.. tomorrow and for the next week or so it should be in the low 80’s.
Oh.. so here is something nifty.
The first place we ate at today was in Phoenix, and now we’re in Portland.
Yep, Phoenix… that’s a distance but not AZ, but Oregon. How freaky to enter into Oregon and see Phoenix pop up on the list of cities to come up.
Anyway.. we are going to the coast tomorrow. I love the coast.. I can think very clearly and I really feel connected to God when I’m at the coast and I am able to think of lots of stuff to write while on the coast. Not that I don’t typically, but .. its just.. wow. Its good. It is much more powerful.. like some people find a quiet place or maybe go to a cabin once a year and just have an awesome experience… well mine happens to be at the Ocean, and its like less than an hour away now for the next so many months. How great is that? So I’m pumped and juiced to be spending some time with my savior tomorrow. Very exciting.
And.. I love the ocean. Could you tell?
Yankees won today… that is good news people! Shareef signed with Sacramento. That’s pretty crazy. Last night we slept outside of Sac town, and saw it in the news paper. They must be excited. I think he will do well in Sacramento.
Pray Hard, God Bless.