
so last night was good.

I took a trip over to Lori’s house to say goodbye, I woke her up and she went outside all tired.

Then today I packed a bunch of stuff… I’m 98% done.. minus my laptop and small other things… which will be packed the moment I finish this post.

I took a trip to McClintock High to say hello to Mrs Peto.  She is doing well!  It was good to see her.. I’ve wanted to take a trip to visit her for a while now – but last time they told me I couldn’t enter while any classes were still in session even if she didn’t have a class currently.  So I chatted with her for maybe 30 minutes.. catching up and stuff.

Then I took a trip over to Kay’s house, said my goodbyes and for .. well… 90%?  oh probably the whole time I talked to Kaysies mom and not Kays.  I don’t mind it.. she rocks… she  is cool and reminds me a whole lot of my mom.  I still wish I talked to Kays a tad more though… mmm

I said goodbye and her mom told me to come over for dinner in December 😉 woohoo.  When I return we shall find out if she remembers the offer.

As of Monday the 15th – Happy Birthday Kaysie McClymonds.

I returned home, and Tara came over.  She just left .. like 5 minutes ago.  It was the most.. emotional goodbye of them all.  Still rather.. quick and short (I would rather not bust out crying over it like some girls would like me to, besides … its only a few months.. its nothing too big) … before she left I wanted to hop in her car and be like ‘hey just kidding I’m stayin!’ but yeah.  However.. she did call into work today because of me.  I felt special.  She was only going to stay from 4:30 to 5:30 but she stayed much later due to the fact that she called in – she left at 9:58.  (roughly)  We played Jack Daniels.  I learned it over at Kays house (she helped me win).  I showed everyone at my house (including Tara minus Mike) how to play.  It was fun.  I shall miss all my friends.

And so tomorrow at 3am we shall depart.  I will not be able to post for at the very least a few days.  I might make a journal entry on MS Word if anything interesting happens and post it later.

So I expect to have very few props due to that fact that I will be unable to prop anyone for a little bit.  ah well… but the Yankees did win for me as a going away present.

I leave you now.. feeling uneasy.  Departing into a world unknown to me.. hoping for the best.  Relying only on God and his goodness and Grace to get me through it all.

Pray Hard.  God Bless


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