So how is everyone today?  I’m doin alright 🙂

*thinks of that song that goes.. “but I guess I’m-a doin alllright”

I’m not sure if that’s country, or an oldie.. sound like a country song.  Ah well….

Yesterday was good, very restful day for me.  I started off.. by waking up at – drum roll please…..

Noon.  Yep… it was nice.  I didn’t get to sleep until I like 5:30 so it helped a tad.  Got up, found things to do until I left to eat and then to church.  Like play my brothers PS2 he brought in my room.

Church at central.. my last time for .. at least months.  It was good.. 242 was doing the main worship for the 2 Saturday night services, and they sounded good with one exception.  Sometimes the music was so loud you couldn’t hear them sing (and they were singing right into the mic)… I would assume we can all thank that guy.. what’s his name.. ah yes.. we can thank Matt for it (the other day in bible study he said he checked with the church, got the authorization and had full control over how loud the system would get.)

So I didn’t go do anything after 242 because I felt really out of it.. so I came home – watched Hide and Seek with my parents (I rented it on PPV).  It was pretty good… I liked it, and then I went into my room and played PS2 some more, and fell asleep playing.

Today I think we are going to the Nike town outlet to see what’s available.  That’s all for now,.. oh and no I haven’t forgotten you my friend…

Happy Birthday Josiah Baldwin  (tell him)

Take care, God Bless

Pray Hard.


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