Tonight has actually been pretty… hmm.. busy for me.

I may have a little rant or rave, but its not about anyone tonight but myself.

So today I went to lunch, afterwards I spent the afternoon with my brother…

After dinner I departed to go to Bible study, yes it has been a while since I have last went hasn’t it? Not once in July, and in June he took a break (til mid July) and so I would say it is safe to say its been since about… May. That seems like so long ago.

So I arrived tonight, I was surprised how things have seemingly not changed much. The surroundings and the smells.. mm lots of memories.

I had that thing happen again.. where I enter a room or a situation.. and I get quiet, and it bugs me. To be honest- it doesn’t really bug me unless I have something to say – the thing that bugs me is that people just automatically assume that I’m quiet and… am just this shut down person who doesn’t talk to .. well really anyone. I think I regret showing up tonight. Not because of the people or anything.. its more of a feeling that I do not belong among the group. I think that I have pinpointed everything down to that, I do not belong among the group.

After bible study, I went to play basketball with my brother. We only ended up playing like 3 games because we decided to make it a light workout tonight.

Then Tara came over, she wanted to go bowling with her friends… and took me along for the ride, she is a good friend. Have I said this before? Mmm probably not enough. I ended up beating everyone.. I got 157, the closest person to me had 108. I was just hoping to not get last, and I ended up doing well. Funny little fact, right now its 2:42. Why is that a funny fact? Because the youth/college age group at Central is called 242. Well.. it is what I think of anyway.

Then Tara picked out National Treasure to watch among my collection, and she has been watching it for *checks DVD player* a little over 35 minutes now.

Last night was good too. I got to talk to Tara a lot and vent some small frustrations. Very very minor, but still good to discuss. The truth is not always popular, but it is always right.

“Our society finds truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form, truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder; it is a howling reproach. What Moses brought down from Mt. Siani were not suggestions but Ten Commandments” – Ted Koppel

That’s all for now. Prayer requests anyone?

Pray Hard, God Bless.


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