I’ve gotten around to updating my site!


Whatcha think?  I like it, but I’m always open for insults or whatever.

Mariah Carey has a great voice.  I like her old song – I still Believe.  I still have the CD.

So.. another summary of events!  On Sunday.. nothing big happened.  I went to church, heard a sermon on Patience and kindness.  Then I took Orien to the airport.  Halfway to the airport he tells me he forgot his ticket.  Ah well.  He got me a Yankees hat.  I’m not a hat person, but I appreciate it.  Besides, its the Yankees – so I’ll even attempt to wear it.

I watched Hitch with Lori, it was a good movie, made an 8 of 10.  Then I watched Constantine again because she hadn’t seen it.  Also am going to see Panic Room again.

Sunday afternoon Tina called me and said she needed to talk in person, rather than over the phone.  She also wouldn’t tell me why she needed to talk to me, just that it needed to happen, so because I was busy all day Sunday, I explained to her that Monday was now free and would be alright.

So we met up and she asked me if I wanted to be in a relationship with her or if I could see myself with her in the future.  (She was going to go to Portland for school, she told me God was leading her to the Northwest)  I told her the truth, that being that I’ve put a lot of thought into that and that ‘not really.. no” that I don’t see it happening.  She was quite taken back by my answer, but denies it altogether, saying she was just a little surprised.

Apparently she was reading too much into things (this she told me).  So she swore that was all she had to ask.  She had 2 pages worth of notes, one on front and back. and after a few times of me asking to see the notes, she gave in.  I found that she wanted to talk about me courting her, and the whole ‘m’ word .. yes folks.  Marriage.  So I kind of felt surprised and flattered… like ‘woah’.  So I just went over with her the whole regretting getting involved in a relationship too early, and how also another reason I broke it off was because – well.. I simply like another more than her.  She was kinda upset that I didn’t tell her I liked other people more than her.. before she sat down with me – but I figured it was understood that with us going to be friends, it wouldn’t need to be brought up.  So for that I’m sorry about.

She still insists that she wants to be friends – but we’ll see.  She also tells me that she probably will not go to Portland now.  I argued that fact, just bringing up the fact that whatever happens between me and her as friends shouldn’t effect her decision if God is leading her somewhere.

Ah, so that was all done.  I was relieved in a sense after I was done talking to her… for the fact that we had a chance to sit down and discuss things, getting everything out in the open.

Last night was good, I got to play some basketball against my brother.  It was good.

So today rolls along, and I thought I had more scheduled for today than I did.  I really haven’t done much today, I’m planning on meeting up with Tara tonight if she calls.

Tomorrow I will be having that long awaited meeting with Perry about the scholarship.

Funny thing – lately I’ve felt like contacting Emily.  I’m not really sure why, I think I want to talk to her, but I still feel like I sorta don’t want her back in my life.  So I’ve been going back and forth on that.

Quotes of the day :  “At a press conference, Billy Graham was criticized.  He got up and said, “Let’s pray.  Oh Lord, please help us to never be guilty of that which our critics are saying about us.” – T.W. Wilson

“When attacked by a dragon, do not become one.” – Marshall Shelley

Quiz : Props to those who get it : What movie is this song from?  (click here)

Pray Hard, God Bless.



RAIN!!!!! The streets are flooding.. its 71 degrees outside (high was 103 or so)

.. and did I mention Rain!?!?

Yep.  I’m in the red by the way.. and yeah.. for like the past hour.. strong downpour, and thunder like you only imagine..

Thats all for now.  Have a wonderful night.

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