Woah, its been a while since my last update..

I’ve been keeping busy.

First off.. Wednesday passed pretty quick, but I wasn’t sure if I could make it til’ Friday because of all the people being stupid.

Thursday passed quicker because for the last few hours they took me off the phones.. so I could ‘enjoy’ my last work day. I had a phone call with some guy from Bullhead City (AZ) where he just randomly asked me what I was doing with my life, and then asked me what I’m going to major in school. Well well well.. it wasn’t a bad call.. in fact after I told him what I was going for he wouldn’t stop ranting and raving about how excited he was for me and how .. more people should be putting values where mine are. Hah.. he effected my ego for that one call. Overall it was good.. I got to move a lot of merchandise around for technical help with Hoang and Orien. Said goodbye to everyone.. lots of people were sad… but lots of people were happy and understood why I was leaving.

Funny note : You see my last post? I talked about how I played basketball with someone at the park.. Shawn. Well… I was at work and saw him. I was like.. Hey!! lol.. and he couldn’t believe it either. So I caught up with him later.. turns out that Thursday was his First day, and it was.. well.. as you know it was also my last day.

Friday.. I went to lunch with my Mom and then in the afternoon I met up with Orien. We saw the Disney movie ‘Sky High’ and then we went to go eat dinner. Because I didn’t want him to fork out the money over some expensive meal I picked Dennys. Hoang calls me and tells me he and his girlfriend will stop by. Then Lori calls and she comes too. It was a good thing.. I enjoy getting people together like that all randomly too. Anyway, it was really good to finally meet Sabrina (Hoang’s girlfriend), but they had to bounce before we could see the movie. They picked up the tab, how sweet. Then me Lori and Orien went to see ‘Stealth’. It was pretty good.. better than I expected. Very little swearing, no sex scenes, and a lot of action. Rates 8 out of 10. I got home at 11ish and went to bed a little past midnight.

I woke up today at 4:25 am. Yeah. Wow.. holy cow am I tired writing this thing up right now. I took a quick shower to wake me up, then I drove to Tina’s house to pick her up (she still doesn’t have a car to drive- if you don’t know why.. lets just say its getting fixed). We went to the church and carpooled with a few other people to Flagstaff to go to the Lava Cave? I think that’s what it was called… anyhow. On the way up I talked to someone who didn’t care for Oregon, and that kinda bugged me. Rubbed me the wrong way, so instead of getting into arguments with that person I just didn’t say much. Another person in the car was in love with Arizona. So I was in the loony car- but that’s okay. I still enjoyed myself. We hiked the Lava Cave or whatever its called. About a mile long. You kinda have a straight drop in the cave, and then its pitch dark and you just kinda chill in the cool weather. I went to 100+ degree weather to seeing my breath in the cave, and yes.. it was nice.

By the time we got out of the cave.. it was down pouring. (In Flagstaff they have green.. and trees.. so yes it does rain) It was lovely. We walked back a road to where our ride was, and by the time I arrived I was soaking wet. I was enjoying every minute of it. 🙂 We then went to some pizza place to eat before heading back. (Takes about 2 hrs drive time to Flagstaff) The pizza place didn’t make the greatest food, and in return I didn’t eat much. I was hungry too, so its a shame… it really is 🙂 We started our decent back.. and midway down it started to downpour heavy, and not too far after that it hailed. (No Kaysie it wasn’t snow.. it was Hail :o).. as much as I would have liked snow.. it wasn’t.) Hailed so much it almost looked like snow, covering the ground and all. After about an hour more of driving we were back. So tonight I went to 242, it was good, next week (the last week I will be able to go to 242) they will have it in the main worship center. That should be an experience.

Anyway.. I think I must be going right now. I just got done showering and now I need to sleep. Tomorrow I have church, then I’m taking Orien to the airport (he is leaving for a 3 week vacation) and then spend some time with Lori. So its been fun, I enjoyed your company. I really did.

Take care, God Bless.


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