Last night.. I was tired.

I was going to post and rant and rave about how NASA overlooked some safety features just so the shuttle would launch. I was going to.. I was going to rant and rave about a few different things.. but I just don’t feel like doing that right now.

A good song is Coldplay – Speed of Sound. Listen here.

It looks like it might rain tonight. This is the week, 2 days remain!

On Monday Jennifer said goodbye (she is going on vacation). So for my last few days I have no manager. Can it get much better than that? Today I kindof took a 1/2 hour break.. not really on purpose. Ah well… I’ll end up taking shorter breaks tomorrow.

Last night I went to play basketball. Boy was I winded… after 30-45 minutes of playing. So I need to build my tolerance back up to where it was.. like 1hr and a half. When I’m in good shape its like 2hours.. so I have lots of room to improve. I thought to myself that I will do more outside activities in Portland because the weather will permit for it. Yes.. even in the winter. I remember going by this outdoor covered basketball court, playing with a light jacket on some nights playing basketball by my lonesome self. Its okay tho.. I liked it… because when I played during the day people asked me what college I played for.

I remember playing at night.. when it rained, the ground would be warm (and I played on the lower bottom part of a hill) so.. after the rain it would steam.. and fog would roll down the hill to where I was playing. I liked that so much… I can’t wait.. yet I can…. but I really can’t… haha.. I just don’t want to leave my friends. Ah well.. I hope this batch stays in touch with me. If not.. then I’ll just make new friends again… no I’m not being negative.. I have no other choice.

You know what bugs me? haha.. maybe it shouldn’t.. but it kinda does. When I tell people I want to be a missionary and go into teaching… they ask me if I am Jehovah Witness or a Mormon. I’m not insulted, but Why is this? I’ll tell you why… they are known for going out and living a life of faith…. regardless of what they believe… that’s what they are known for.

I think Christians and Catholics, and group any others into this.. (Baptist or whatever).. are seen as a kick back culture and faith (unless you are apart of the few that are extreme in faith).. that just kinda lets stuff fly. If it works for you, and keeps the peace- we are fine with it….. but we are the very small youth of a nation that has traditional values.. and that would be the only thing most people see different in us apart from themselves. Its not that the world sees us as having the ‘right’ view on things.. just the ‘conservative’ view and if not very conservative.. sometimes even wrong.

Little things that bug me. I know missionary’s are across the world.. and the power of God is amazing, the way he is moving, all knowing and never changing. “Holy is the Lord, God Almighty.. the earth is filled with his glory.” It still astonishes me when I see other peoples perspectives.

I pray that the scholarship comes through.. if not for anything than for the first year alone.. that will be the toughest finically. We will see.. I am blessed anyway.

So what is this thing called Faith anyway?

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

Have you heard this story before? Its a good one…

Television interviewer and journalist Larry King describes three farmers who gather daily in a field during a horrible drought. The men are down on their knees, looking upward, and praying the skies will open and pour forth a much-needed rain. Unfortunately, the heavens are silent, and the petitioners become discouraged, but they continue to meet every morning to life up their request to God. One morning an uninvited stranger approaches and asks the men what they are doing. They respond, “Were praying for rain.” The newcomer looks at each of them and shakes his head, “No, I don’t think so.” The first farmer says, “Of course we’re praying. We are down on our knees pleading for rain. Look around; see the drought. We haven’t had rain in more than a year!” The outsider continues to nod his head and advises them their efforts will never work. The second farmer jumps in and says, “We need the rain; we aren’t asking only for ourselves, but for our families and livestock.”

The man listens, nods, and says he still isn’t impressed. “You’re wasting your time,” he says. The third farmer can’t take any more, and in anger he says, “OK, what would you do if you were in our shoes?” The visitor asks, “You really want to know?” The three landowners answer, “We really want to know! The future of our farmlands is at stake.” The guest announces, “I would have brought an umbrella!”

Never stop dreaming big. Whats holding you back? Update :

Kudos to those who read my post and didn’t skim.. 🙂

Take care, God Bless


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