I’m wearing pants that are torn.
It kind-of bugs me. You know how you have a phone, a case, and then a clip? Well… if you clip the clip to a pair of jeans all the time on the same place… give it a few months and those jeans will start to wear down. I think I’ve had these a year or so, but still.
So hiii, how is everyone? I think I’m good.
On Friday I saw The Island.. it was alright. Kind-of what I expected, and kinda not. Afterwards went to dinner and hung out with Tina and Orien a little.
Yesterday was a pretty productive day, I went to work. I got off early .. when I would normally take my lunch so I could go home and finish some errands I needed to take care of. I didn’t finish them until about 1:30, then I ate shortly after, got home at 2:30, and left to go to the scholarship interview at three. I live about 25 minutes away from the church so I made it in time. The interview was kind of nerve wracking. At least it was for me. They called me in and told me to tell them .. well… a summary of my life and where I’m going and why I need it and then asked more questions. So I finished about 3:45, and they told me they needed some papers from me. I told them I would get the papers back to them today. (note I was going to meet up for the concert at 4:30) So I made some great time.. in a not so law abiding way. But I made round trip in 25 minutes, got gas, changed clothes and I met up with Kaysie and her friend at like 4:32.
Then we went to the Tree63 concert, that was good. Lots of things… from where we went to eat to afterwards… people feeling sick from smokers surrounding us..more than one!
I don’t want to type all of that out.. I just discovered how much typing I would have to do. And some people complain about how long these entries are. Hahah Get over it 🙂
I watched Constantine today, it wasn’t that bad. I didn’t think it was as good as everyone else said it was. Kind-of drew some false conclusions.. like self sacrifice can get you into heaven.. stuff like that .. that is well.. false. It did a pretty good job with other things.
Mix that with What Dreams May Come, and some true realities and you would have a really good movie.
Alright well.. I’m out.. no nice quotes or anything for you this time around.
Yankees Won 🙂
God Bless