so Friday was a semi productive night.
I slept in a little on Friday.. got up and went out to eat (the typical thing to do on Friday with my mom and brother). Afterwards we came home and washed my car 😉 It was blazing hot outside, but it was good to play in the water IF you kept the hose pointing down towards the hot hot ground so your feet wouldn’t burn. So I went swimming and came inside – surfed around and watched some TV.
I met up with Orien about 5ish. We ate at Joe’s Crab Shack. I had shrimp.. (never had it before) .. it tasted good. I was surprised. After that he wanted to see Dark Water at the movies… so I agreed. The movie wasn’t that scary, suspenseful yeah. Not all that bad… I must say. It would rate a 7.5 on my famous 1 to 10 ratings. Only reason it scored so low is because I didn’t like the ending.
Then we went to the Harry Potter thing. People are crazy, dressing up for it, staking out certain areas.. cheating on games to get a better number to be called (you had a number 1 to like 300 for books and they call like 1-25, 26-50 etc etc). I even saw Erin. Who is Erin? Joel Mullarkey- his sister. The kid that in 5th grade came up to me with all my friends and told me they weren’t going to be my friends anymore. That Joel Mullarkey. I wanted to say something to her and her boyfriend, but I didn’t.
Rummaging through the religion books, I saw lots of good stuff. C.S. Lewis to Dekker, so many books I could have picked up and bought on the spot. It was interesting.. I’m not a book – type – person usually. When you can grow from reading, and you become a better person or earn a better understand of something of importance.. I’m all for reading.
I was reading through some books as I heard some people start talking about religion. One woman was saying how her friend just got into Judaism, and she is seeing how that works for her. How that works for her? Hmm.. something struck me in her words. Another woman spoke up and said her daughter just got into Buddhism, and if that works for her then okay. If it works for you.. then great! Why does the world think this way? This foils back to the long list of lies like : We should all just live and let live, or people asking… lets just agree to disagree. Or better yet… widely believed in modern times, that there is no ultimate truth. There is nothing that tells us what is right and wrong. No.. there isn’t! Instead we are just learning what our society tells us to believe. What a bunch of crock. All these people counted down, a mass of a few hundred people. Its a book people. It reminds me of the Star Wars movies. It is just a movie! The world is just so hungry. Hungry for something.. for someone.. but they do not know who, or what.
He got his book, and a book on witchcraft which I begged him not to get, but he started on this whole ‘lets just agree to disagree’ thing. Oi vey.
Then on Saturday I worked, running off of like 2 or 3 hours of sleep.. due to the fact that I didn’t get home until late, and to sleep until later. (the Harry Potter book was released at 12 midnight, but he was number like 196) church was good, 242 was good as well.. and that was surprising. After that I came home, tried to stay awake (just incase anyone called me and wanted to do something) but I fell asleep.
I think I passed out around 10. That’s early for me. On any given night… and so I woke up at like 9 today. Had a good nights sleep.. I feel rested.
Yankees won last night 🙂 Thats right baby. Yankees won.
That’s all for me.. for now at least.
Take care, God Bless