Tell me what you think. (Essay for School unedited) Tells you about me too. Innocence like a Newborn We all start off in this world crawling around, discovering what we can and more often than not, tasting things, grabbing at anything in sight. At a young age, we are all innocent; curious to find out…
Year: 2004
hey peoples What a glorious day! I got to sleep in. Nahh thats not why it was good. Last night I talked to my parents about doing something today and we did it. There is only 1 in the area that does it on Saturdays. We went to Church! First time in about 4 years. …
hey hey life is good. Good life. Great Price – Sears. Where else? WORK NEWS : Pretty exciting stuff. Today I went to a meeting,.. had lunch.. (Subway) I got an award for being the most improved person in December. Its.. my… first.. award. heh it was pretty cool. What else? Managers have been complamenting…
hey hey *yawns* I didn’t really wanna update yet.. but I gotta. Somethings came up. News flash. This just in…. (quotes) “…duh! it’s more than you realize in life you thinkt he fuckin world revolves around you! consider someone else for a change babe!…..ur whole attitude sucks ass!….i’m not mad just b/c you don’t talk…
hey everyone School started on Tuesday – Yesterday. I’m a bonafied college student. Woohoo I can see homework building on the horizon. Ah well.. you knew it was going to happen – at least I did. So it was raining earlier on tonight, and that was pretty nice. I came out of work and my…