The Passion of the Christ is the best Movie I’ve ever seen. First time I’ve cried in a while. GO SEE IT. God Bless! Ciao
Year: 2004
God is Great. I love Jesus with all my heart and soul! Praise God!
As of Febuary 24th – not yet you say? It’s already the 24th on the east coast baby. Give these girls Major props on their birthdays. Emily & Kendy HAPPY BIRTHDAY: KENDY! EMILY TIEN PHAM “ESHOX!” You girls rock.
hey everyone life is good, God is Great. I’ve been sick the past week but I keep getting better. Work? Its good, nothing to complain about. I’m in a good situation. If nobody had figured it out – I have been pretty busy. Keeping me offline – its a blessing I assure you. God rocks…
Hey everyone I got a B. Anyway.. just got to say that you know you must be doing something right if things start going wrong. In work? It turns out nobody in our call center will get a raise. They held meetings today, and it also turns out that the yearly review wont happen on…