Hey New Background. I like it. What else? Washed Emily’s car today. Much needed…. Other than that… kickin back.. listening to some classical music. Speakin of music check out the sound page on shoxwave.com Much Love Take care God Bless Ciao!
Year: 2004
Hey Life has been good. God is answering prayers, which is always good. Maybe not always what we wanna hear, but its good to know. Suprised like a sucker punch. Either way. My week has been pretty good.. God continues to drench me with undeserved blessings. My review has been pushed up from August to…
Hey, This post says Sunday, but its really only Saturday Night. Today was alllright. I slept in a little, and then Emily came over and we finished up watching a movie. The Missing. – Not a reccomended movie. Somethin’s gotta give?? or somethin like that… is a pretty good movie. So is Radio. *we watched…
hey Rough week so far. in fact.. its wednesday? and I’ve only worked Sunday and Monday. Last two days me and my dad had been sick. Only us two.. kinda ironic. We both had to take off from work, and thankfully I didn’t have any school to worry about during that time either. So… yeah….
hey, Rough weekend. I’m drained from the weekend, and everything else. I was tired before the weekend started, so add that up. Whats new? I don’t know, I can’t think of whats new that I am able to talk about on here. Hm… On the lighter side, my day today was pretty good. I don’t…