Hey. Went bowling tonight… got my highest game ever. 196 In other news……… Barely any comments on one of my biggests posts ever. Oiii Anyone Out there? Three words for all ya’ll Piston followers : Lakers In Seven. Speaking of that.. check out my Music Page… Click here. God Bless Have a Great week. Pray…
Year: 2004
Hey everyone. Want to know me? Do you think you know me? Okay, take a gander at this stuff. It’ll rock your senses. And take LOTS of time to read. lol As many of you should know.. I was going to go the HA, but I didn’t end up going because of Sabrina and I……
Hey Last night 3 hours of sleep, no biggie tho. On the flip side…. Never underestimate silence. I just got back from taking a nice long walk. It was really good. The best one I’ve had in a very long time. I had time.. lots of time.. to talk with God. With nobody around, no…
Hey, Last night I got to bed by 2. Not good.. by any means. Today in math my hands and arms felt so tired.. I mean.. I tried to write what was being written down on the board for notes.. but it came out allll messy. No matter how hard I tried. Just a clue…
Hey I got to bed at like 2:30 last night. It was time well spent.. I got caught up on my homework * I have another two sections tonight * and I was able to clean up my room which was getting to the point where I couldn’t see my floor. No joke.. and for…