Year: 2004

Hey, Another update. Another day. Tonight I’ll be updating my website … see If anyone knows the company.. Just for Feet… they’re outa business. Amazing huh? Its kinda shocking. But anyway.. to read up on that fun little fact.. click this. I was wondering why was not up, and yep. That’d be why….

Hey, Whatsup? Gotta story to tell you all. Has to do with work. Sears… Where else? So I was at work today, I got an MVP award. Goes along nicely with my others. I was in the lunchroom.. getting ready to go back on the phones.. when Kurt comes up to me. (someone one my…

Hey, Whats new? Cameron (youth pastor) is moving to Kansas City in the end of July (the very end.. the 31st). (by the way… he’s a very cool guy, I wish him well) The student pastor (John Chandler) is not going to have that title anymore, instead he’ll be around – but doing other things…..

hey I started doin homework at like 10:00pm, its 1:09am.. I’ve done 2 sections of homework. Two down, two to go. Busyness. What is new? Got a new computer all running, gunna give my old one to Emily. Got a Graphing Calc… Oo lala. Oh hey!! I got somethin to help me stay awake. Its…

hey I can tell you what it feels like when someone just doesnt care… about you. For those of you who do care, today was a pretty good day, I have quite a bit of homework tho, so I’ll be up … later than all ya’ll.  Thats right.  I sound Like southern folk and whats…