Year: 2004

Saturday, July 3, 2004 Hey I met Kaysie! and that was the highlight of my day. I went to church, and 2|4|2 – didn’t do much afterwards cept play some ball with JJ, (sorry JJ I was very much out of it) then we went to the Extreme bean, but again.. I was really out…

Hey Notice : for everyone who didn’t know… I’m not going to my math class anymore. I was doomed to fail or not-pass with a D. So why have it count against my GPA? Anyway.. the real topic of this post is … Minty bubble gum and a book? No. Actually.. its work stuff. Nothing…

Hey Today I had a supervisior call.. that was so bad my supervisior ended up hanging up on her. After giving her 3 warning for swearing. Hah. top that. He said it was the worst call he has had as a manager. hah Other than that.. nothins really new. God Bless Pray Hard Ciao

hey Silence Is Golden. Today was much like yesterday, but about 10 times more fusturating. maybe 20. “scream, deeper I wanna scream.. I want you to hear me…. I want you find me. Cuz’ I………. I want to BELIEVE….. but I all I pray Is wrong.. and all I claim is gone. and I………………………………………….. I…

Hey Had some fun Drama tonight, but its good. It was stuff that needed to get out. Other than that.. we went to the coffee house and ran into someone I use to go to school with and sat & talked with them for a little while. It was pretty cool, a change from the…