Year: 2004

Hey I didn’t have much time to update my journal yesterday…. wait wait.. I had plenty of time. I just didn’t want to. So heres an update for ya, last night instead of playing basketball I called Chris… and we talked for a while. Nice chat we had. Afterwards I came home… came online and…

Wednesday, July14th 2004 Hey Today was alright. I forget if anything big happened.. so I’m gunna say no. I updated… however it looks messy. I think i’ll only keep it that way a day or so. 20,000 visitors. A new high… Thats it for me. Take care, God Bless Pray Hard. Ciao!

Tuesday, July 13th, 2004 News Flash:  ***All regular postings are not being shown due to servere weather*** We now tune to Jshox in the middle of all the comotion……….. “Rain Down.  All across the world were singin’ … Raaaiiinnn Doowwwnn.” Oh!  Hi.  Its me! Rain showers.  Thunder thats shaking the house.. oh this is what…

Hey So today was a lot like Sunday.. in the way that not a whole lot of anything interesting happened. I figured it was going to be rather hot today when at 10:45 last night it was still 106.. So today was a good day! I woke up.. (thats the best way to start a…

Hey So whatsup? This weekend turned out okay, I made it through another week. So, what happened during the downtime? Saturday, July 10th 2004 What did I end up doing?  Oh.. I remember.  I got to sleep in. Then I woke up around 10 and waited for my dad to get home from work, then we…