
This is my journal.. I should be able to post whatever I want.

This weekend… was okay

The only thing that really saved it was Today, the only good thing about yesterday was that I talked to Kaysie

Other than that.. I cant find much good in it.. *looking back*

Infact i’ve been more-over annoyed just thinking about it.

Why you ask?

I suppose I can tell you about my weekend, or the parts I remember….

Friday!! We ate at Teds Hot Dogs. It was good. My family and I went to some health place to see about some weight gain stuff. It made me sick. But I’m gunna continue to take it to see if that was just the inital effect because I have major problems with my thin-ness. I can accept it to a certain level….. but I’d rather change.

Saturday went a little like this…

Woke up late, didn’t really do much.. we went to Robinsons May (called Meier and Frank in Oregon) and yeah.. we looked for shirts for me that we’ve been trading in since Christmas.

Then what? Oh.. then we went to my house.. and ate??? I think. I know we had pizza one of those days, and then Teds another day. I’m getting confused. Either way, thats besides the point. OHHHH I remember. On Thursday my parents went to their bible study and then they ordered pizza which didn’t sit well with my stomach.

Then on Saturday after running around we went to church (without Emily because she had some stuff to do) and so we just met up with her at church. She met up with us at church.. didn’t say a word to me. I had to get up before everything started because I was feeling really sick. It was Dean’s last weekend with us.. he was pretty good. He’s going to have a church some where near Seattle. Then me and Emily walked over to 2|4|2. I asked her if she knew everyone who has been speaking these past few weeks.. and about her making friends with them (because everything they have been saying has been DIRECTLY LINKED to her life) the more you resist it.. the more true it is.

Anyway.. she replied “no but I knew you were going to say that”.. I asked her if she was coming to church on Sunday and she said “no I can’t miss church again” refering to her other church… yes because she hasn’t yet made up her mind on what she is going to do.. or better yet… Who she should listen to.

She will tell you its not that simple.. but … *shakes head* im not going into it anymore.. infact I’m getting off-track… which is easy for me with that subject.

At 2|4|2 I sat in the back and she sat way in front. Then didn’t move when she saw I was in back. Yeah.. okay fine. So then Becky came in and said Hi to her and got her to go outside and greet people. She (Becky) did stop by and ask me questions that a complete stranger would ask me, but I have come to expect nothing less from her and others.

So then I sat in the back of 2|4|2 by myself most of the time (we get there like 1/2 hr before it starts) and so.. this guy came up to me that i’ve never seen before… I think he felt bad for me. *laughs* He started asking me if I knew anyone in 2|4|2… if this was my first time.. and if I was okay. He obviously wouldn’t take no for an answer. Then he left after asking me a few times what was wrong. Then Becky (the one who talkes to me.. yeah the one from work) walked in and sat with me and we talked a little.

Then 2|4|2 started.. (Emily moved infront of me to sit next to Becky- the Other one).. so then I saw Tara walk in, she had a friend with her and kinda stood off to the side because there were no immediate seats available, so I told her there were two seats available next to Emily. They both came over and that was that.

Then after 2|4|2 was done.. I had to call Katie back (she left me a message during 2|4|2 and while I was about ready to get off the phone with her and talk to Tara to see what was up.. Emily took her aside to do something..so yeah great..that did it for me.

I’m out

Then I left.. starting to get a headache and drove to where everyone was meeting up.. but I didn’t see anyone that I knew.. so instead went home after driving around a little. Called JJ to see if he wanted to play some ball.. but he didn’t want to.

At home.. I talked to Kaysie and that was the highlight of the night. No not like a highlighter either.. more like the only thing good that happened. So then I decided to go driving, because I needed to get out of the house. I went driving.. and to my luck I was in a traffic jam.. at 10pm at night due to 101 entrances being closed, and yes my headace progressed more and more and until I fell asleep my head was pounding.

So yeah.. that was fun. 1/2 hr later I got on the freeway.. and drove around. At around 11:30 I stopped by the coffee house to see if anyone was there. Once again.. No such luck…

Oh well.

Then I came home.. and me and my dad got in an argument over some networking stuff.

It didnt turn out to be the best of days for me.. so I basicly said screw it.. I’m goin to bed before something else happens and shut off my phone and tried to sleep. (its a rare thing that my phone would be off.. inother words.. it means nobody could contact me… )

That was my Saturday.

Then Sunday…. (today) I got up.. ate.. and apologized to my dad for the night before (I was suprisingly too mad to do so on Saturday) and yeah.. after that we went to Frys electronics to replace my wireless card which has been giving me a major headahce (online wise.. not litertally like yesterday) after that we drove to the Nike outlet and picked out two shirts for me, and guess what.. I like them and they fit. Now hopefully they wont shrink in the wash.

After that we came home.. (I talked to Ang – first time!) and then went out to eat… once we did that I suggested we wash my dads car.. which was realllly dirty. I talked it over with my parents.. and its a No Go on bowling. Its no fun anymore. It sometimes makes my night even worse by going. So I’m glad that we didn’t go tonight. After that we went swimming.

Came online.. talked to Kaysie.. and deicded to go pickup a book that she purchased for me.. believe it or not. I accepted a gift.. thats an amazing thing in itself… then I came back online.

Then I’ve been sitting here ever since, listening to music. So thats how I’m ending it… have a great Monday, dont let the ‘oh its monday and its bad’ thoughts get you down. Mondays are wonderful…

Take care, God Bless

Pray Hard.


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