
I didn’t have much time to update my journal yesterday…. wait wait.. I had plenty of time.

I just didn’t want to.

So heres an update for ya, last night instead of playing basketball I called Chris… and we talked for a while. Nice chat we had.

Afterwards I came home… came online and talked to Sam for a while.

Today … today was fun. I was annoyed at work.. they keep changing and changing things back to the way they were. But whatever. I gotta worry that I’m doin things the way that I know they should be. I can’t place all my effort on what people are doing… or for this case.. what people aren’t doing. I know I know.. its not about me. I shouldn’t have that mindset.. but what mindset should I have?

In this case you can’t really do anything. I mean people want to work the system.. and you are powerless. You can’t do anything.. and sometimes everyone is looking the other way. So.. I’m not doing anything… what do you think?

Hmm… what else? I almost have gotten all my debt. (I’m paying back my parents for my car they bought) So…. thats good. Very good. At least its all on me.

Good thing this week is coming to an end.. time to re-coop.

Blessing of the day : Today.. like yesterday.. and the day before.. heck my whole week all I’ve pretty much been doing is setting service up for people.. and not resolving (because nothing has been resolvealbe) so.. I was mad. Not in a very good mood. There was this guy complaining about the customer serivce and this and that… I placed him on hold.. (on mute so he couldn’t hear me) and I’m like “Oh my Gosh I just wanna hang up on you”.. then right after I said that… he said “Look.. I’m sorry to be so rude……” Very nice. And this other guy I had was complainng about Sears and saying we dont care about his business.. that I dont.. and all this stuff he asked for my name and stuff. So.. I took care of the call the best way I knew.. and eventually refered him up to NCR (national customer relations) pleading with him to speak with them before he was going to hang up. Then I placed the call on mute (once again so they couldn’t hear me) and he gets on the phone with the NCR rep.. and is like “Hey I was just speaking to Jason.. by the way he is Awesome.” Oh dang. Little blessings to make me sit back and Thank God.

I should be Thanking God all the time anyway right? Right??? Don’t beleive me?

“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thats all for me! Take care, God Bless.

Pray Hard.


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