So today was a lot like Sunday.. in the way that not a whole lot of anything interesting happened.
I figured it was going to be rather hot today when at 10:45 last night it was still 106..
So today was a good day! I woke up.. (thats the best way to start a day) went to work.. someone said today it was 117, official high for today was 112. Pretty warm. And humid. Humid? In Arizona?… No way. In Phoenix? You’re kidding! Don’t they just have that “dry heat?” Yeah. But Later on in the afternoon we had storms that pushed through, so around 5pm while at work I saw a dust storm push through and then some rain. Just enough to get the ground wet and to make my car almost look like its true color is brown.
Think of it this way. I work 10 minutes from home… at home they didn’t get any rain.. but we got enough to get wet.
At work I had a discussion with my manager about my resolves being so good. Asking him if I was doing something wrong… or anything. But.. I was once again re-assured that I’m just doing my job. Nothing shady.
Then I got off work.. turned on my windshield wipers and cleaner… and went home.
After I ate I had a convo with my parents about various things that were on my mind, mostly dealing with God.
Then I reconfigured all the computer on the wireless network. Now we aren’t getting disconnected like we were before. Just had to uninstall.. configure and restrict access.
Anyway.. thats all for my happy go lucky Monday. and no.. I dont hate Mondays.. I don’t know why people do.
Take Care, God Bless
Pray Hard… Very Hard.