
So whatsup?

This weekend turned out okay, I made it through another week.

So, what happened during the downtime?

Saturday, July 10th 2004

What did I end up doing?  Oh.. I remember.  I got to sleep in.

Then I woke up around 10 and waited for my dad to get home from work, then we ate, and left to go to my parents eye appointement they made last Saturday.

We arrived at the place.. on time for the appointment and ended up staying at the place (because they were testing eyes and whatnot) for a few hours.  Then it was like 4:10, so we went home, and I went to church and 2|4|2 (parents didn’t want to be late to church, and I don’t mind going twice)

I went to church, it was a good message.  Its good stuff… anyway.. after that I went to 2|4|2 by myself.. Emily ended showing up afterwards, she had a family dinner and stuff to attend to so she wasn’t able to go to church and missed parts of 2|4|2.  It was good fun.

Instead of sitting by myself and watch other people sit by themselves.. I decided to go and talk to someone.  I met Tara, she is a pretty cool person.  So I was in a good mood that night because I … made a friend! hah.. anyway.. I usually don’t do the stuff afterwards, (neither did Tara because she hadn’t really attended the group regularly) but I kinda made a deal with Tara that I’d go this time, and she would too.  So then after 2|4|2 I went with my parents and we ate.

Then I called Emily and told her to come pick me up and we could go where-ever the group went afterwards (that way I could save my gas in my car).  It was about 10:00, and so.. by the time we got to Baha Fresh they were closing.  By pure luck I saw her walking to her car and so she was going to go do stuff with other people.  The remaining people were going to go to the coffee house.. (xtreme bean) and so I somehow got her to go to the xtreme bean.  Emily came along too.

On the way to the coffee house Emily tried to cut Becky off from cutting infront of her, but her car was too weak.  Tara, who was following us.. must have been suprised when she saw Emily shoot from 65 to like 80 in what… 20 seconds?  (com’on folks its a stripped down focus)

So then we hung out there until 1am-ish.. until Emily had to go.. Then because she was my ride.. I went also (I didn’t take that into account with the whole saving gas mentality).

Then I came online.. deleted my prev. email address.. (dcshox@hotmail.com) and switched all the account stuff over to my current.

Sunday, July 11th, 2004

Today was much less interesting.. by far.

Woke up.. didn’t feel like eating.. so had 1/2 of a typical breakfast.

Went to church with Emily and my family, then… came home. (1pm)  Then my parents wanted to grab something to eat, so we went to BJs.  Oh what a great idea that was.  Emily decided to pay and my parents would pay for bowling.  It was more expensive than my tastes would allow me to have… so I didn’t get anything but a Pepsi.

Irrevelant information but.. at the time I didn’t know Emily was paying for All of it.. but I Knew she would be paying at least part.. because of how expensive things were.  So they all ate, and afterwards we decided to go return Emily’s phone (because she cracked it).  Came home.. Emily shot to her house to get the stuff that came with the phone.. and then we all went to Price Costco.  (whole afternoon becoming a very annoying experience for me.. lol…… *shakes head*)

While we were there, we noticed that they no longer had the phone that I bought for Emily.. so she got a 200 dollar phone… she ended up paying like 30 bucks (the diff from what I paid to that phone), so shes happy with that phone.  While there.. I got a hotdog & drink for 1.50 (now thats a good deal)  Afterwards, came home.. parents watched a movie they checked out at the church library, and I watched the Matrix in my room on this computer.

After that was done.. it was like 8-ish, time to leave to go bowling.  Went bowling.. I won the first 3 games for our team.. and Emily won the last one after the series was decided (5 games a night).. then we came home.

Then I got online.. and here I am.  I’m done!

Good songs have been stuck in my head all day today.

Take Care, God Bless

Pray Hard.


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