Had some fun Drama tonight, but its good. It was stuff that needed to get out.
Other than that.. we went to the coffee house and ran into someone I use to go to school with and sat & talked with them for a little while. It was pretty cool, a change from the ordinary for sure.
We were going to see The Notebook, but we decided against it due to showtimes being too late.
The Day After Tomorrow (the movie) was okay. I’d probably give it a C+ on a grading scale.
Other than that.. I uh… worked? I dunno.. OH okay.. I got somethin
Last night (friday) I came in from going to the coffee house with JJ & Emily, I was tired the whole time. So we finally get home… and I’m so incredibly tired. I went on my bed, and just crashed. I didn’t get up, not to shower, not to anything. I barely had enough enegry to slide my shoes off. I slept from like 1am (very early for me) until 9 somethin. I woke up.. and I was amazed.
Its not usual. So.. it was good. They say your body can not catch up on sleep in one night, but I figure 9 hours of sleep will recover me for the next while. We went to church tonight, it was a good message. It makes you think, and challanges you to change.
Always good.
I uh.. went to 2|4|2, and didn’t really see or hear any of it. Thats when the drama happened. So reguardless I’m going to be baptized in July. No more puttin it off. I have for how many years? Yeah the buck stops here. (insert starbucks joke here)
Music Page Updated.
I dont really think Ive got anything else to talk about, however.. upon saying that.. I found one last thing.
Dean (who usually directs the worship in our church) is leaving for Washington. He’s going to be the head pastor in some church. That would be good if sometime in the future we move back up there. I’m not sure where in Washington, probably too far away than we’d be able to go, but its still good to know. Moving? My parents might, but I’m not going to unless I’m 100% sure the Lord doesn’t have something planned for me here.
Thats all for me.
God Bless, Take care.
Pray Hard.