Another update. Another day.
Tonight I’ll be updating my website … see www.shoxwave.com
If anyone knows the company.. Just for Feet… they’re outa business. Amazing huh? Its kinda shocking. But anyway.. to read up on that fun little fact.. click this. I was wondering why justforfeet.com was not up, and yep. That’d be why.
What else.. what else..
I need more CD’s.. I’m runnin out of new stuff. Tomorrow should be an interesting day… but hey at least I dont have to go to school right? I think thats the highlight of my day. Today was alright, I cant complain. I got out of class a little early due to a test. I was the last person to leave the class besides the teacher. And I was like the 5th person to arrive. So I took my time.. can’t ask much more than that. I probably just looked at wrong answers.. right in the face. We’ll find out tho, I have no confidence in my math skills.
Speak of skills… I gotta play some basketball soon… and I was at work today.. and saw a red skittle on the ground. Since then I’ve wanted skittles. It was a clean skittle.. but I wanted some then.
At work It felt like I had a migrane most of the day.. my head was pretty much just pounding the whole day. It’s over now tho.. and thats the good part. More good news is that my parents are going to be getting involved in a Bible study.. and sooner than not Emily and I will be in one.
The weekend is here.. at least the no school aspect of it. Last tid-bit (this is where I put in everything I can think of but unorganized) would be that I am probably going to see the Day after Tomorrow. No .. thats the movie. I’m tellin ya.. ITS CALLED the day after tomorrow. Okay?! The thing with Kurt, is unresolved.. but I said hi to him the other day, and now he just is all mad at me? I dont know either.. but Jason (my manager) says that its probably his dry humor, and that he probably thinks he’s funny. Jesse contacted me the other day (use to be a friend of mine) it was odd. Nothing I am really looking forward to happening again.
Okay.. Thats all for today!
God Bless…
Take care
Pray Hard.