Whatsup? Gotta story to tell you all. Has to do with work. Sears… Where else?
So I was at work today, I got an MVP award. Goes along nicely with my others. I was in the lunchroom.. getting ready to go back on the phones.. when Kurt comes up to me. (someone one my team) He asks me.. “so.. you got an award huh” I reply.. “yeah” (he got an award too.. so no big deal) so he asks me “whos your manager?” (stupid question – yes I know. Why? We only have every meeting together with the same manager.. so why would he ask when he already knows?)
So I turn to Dante (sitting next to me) “Dante, whos your manager?”
“oh okay.. now who’s my manager?”
“Okay thanks… (then I turn to Kurt and joking ask) Whos your manager?”
“Jennifer.” And he stormed off.
Alrighty then.. whatever.. guy musta had a chip on his shoulder or somethin.. beats me.. maybe he lost it for a second. Almost done with the story.. stay tuned.
I walk to the hallway.. because I’m clocked in and ready to go back on the phones. Kurt is walking by and he stops and says “you know.. you’re a really funny guy”
I reply.. “thanks” and continue walking….
He stops again and says.. “No really.. You are a really funny guy.” (at this point in time it was obvious he was trying to start something. So I just kept walking back to the phones.. because I have no bone to pick with him.
“Well F*** You too”
Oh. So I went over, told someone about it.. and confirmed that I should report it to my manager. He (Jason) was as suprised as I was to find out that he did that… and outa the blue like that. Weird huh? Outa the blue. I’ve never had any problem with anybody at work.. I still dont have a problem with him.. I do find it very odd tho.
Anyway.. that was the excitement of my day. Song of the Day : Rain Down
Whoo. At school… I got more homework than usual.. and the teacher took up the whole time to teach.. til like 11:15. That made me mad.
The pills seem to be working pretty well and keeping me awake more often than before, but thats it. I’m done.. I’m outa here!
God Bless.
Take care.
Pray Hard, watch the news…
Then Pray Harder.