Whats new?
Cameron (youth pastor) is moving to Kansas City in the end of July (the very end.. the 31st). (by the way… he’s a very cool guy, I wish him well)
The student pastor (John Chandler) is not going to have that title anymore, instead he’ll be around – but doing other things.. (didn’t know him as much.. but he’ll be doing whatever God wants him to do and thats what matters.. with both of them)
Got my dad a digi camera for fathers day. Much to my suprise we opened it tonight and the camera was missing. Tomorrow we go back to Target to see what they’ll do.
Oh fun-ness.
I colored my hair dark red. I didn’t like it.. so re-colored it black. Its better… kinda reminds me of how it looked in Portland.
I think thats it. I haven’t updated in a while.. because I really haven’t had anything to say.
I uh.. have been doing fine at work. School is just taking its usuall toll. I need more night walks with God. They really help heal me from everything. Man do I need some alone time with Him.
That might be the best part of the Ocean. It is magnificant, just like He is. God created it, and everything in me. So amazing.. gets me so awestruck that I fall on my face like a little boy learning to walk.
It almost brings me at peace just thinking about it.
Either way.. I gotta finish some homework.. then go to bed. I think thats it.. or all I have time for
Good night.
Music Page Updated.
God Bless & Take care.
Pray Hard.