
I started doin homework at like 10:00pm, its 1:09am.. I’ve done 2 sections of homework.

Two down, two to go.


What is new? Got a new computer all running, gunna give my old one to Emily.

Got a Graphing Calc… Oo lala.

Oh hey!! I got somethin to help me stay awake. Its caffine pills. Jet Alert. You can buy them at target, they are like 2.50 or somethin, pretty cheap and you get 90 pills. Its about time.. I feel like I can concentrate and not worry about dozing off. Its a neat feeling knowing that I can finish my work in one night.

Cool beans.

Speakin of that.. give a shoutout to a great person. Click here.

Other than that.. I’m suprised how fast this week has went by, its just been zoomin.

Take Care, God Bless

Pray Hard.


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