
I got to bed at like 2:30 last night. It was time well spent.. I got caught up on my homework * I have another two sections tonight * and I was able to clean up my room which was getting to the point where I couldn’t see my floor.

No joke.. and for me.. an organized person who likes to keep things clean.. that was a problem. So.. its a little better now.. I still have to dust and whatnot.. but its better.

What is new? Lakers are down 0 – 1 in the series of 7. Its rather interesting. This would prove my theory once more.. that when I want a certain team to win, another team wins. Examples past? Yankees. Mariners. Blazers. All got pretty close and fell short. And the Yankees? I know. coming up short? only since I’ve liked em. Its crazy.

Other than that.. nothin’s new, thankfully Monday is over.. after tomorrow my week is half over.

That’s always a good thing.

By the way.. I’ve spoken to Chris.. *was worried about how he was* he’s doing okay. He’ll be alright. I’ll keep ya posted tho if anything comes up.

Hope all is well

Take Care, Much Love

God Bless


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