Another busy week – and yet, for the beginning of this week, just like last…. I feel….
Maybe its like breakfast in the morning… hahah… yeah I think I may be a little burnt out. Like Toast. I only have another week or so to go and then I have a week or so off from school, and time to get organized again.
Thought for the week – who holds you accountable? Are you authentic? – Maybe as much as everyone else.. but are your Truly authentic to yourself and to others?
In other news.. my weekend was pretty good. On Saturday I got to go to church and it was fun, I stayed at church from like.. 4ish til like 11ish. We were going to leave after 242, (the youth meeting thing – for age groups 18 to 29) but we were invited to stay. We did.. and we met some new people. At first we kinda just… well… stood out. Apart from the group of people who knew each other. After time we kinda just sat down and some people started to talk to us. About what else… but…. BASKETBALL!.. lol.
Anyway… I thought it was cool. Then today we went bowling. It was pretty good cept for JJ and Theron missing.
Boy this weekend goes by so quickly.
And I have homework to do tonight… and then… blah.
It was just last night that I had a pretty good conversation with God.
I just wish I could live my life for him and No others. Just live for him.. with No distractions. Better myself through him… and not worry about work.. school or anything else…. because everything else compared to God… is……. *sigh*
So tomorrow starts another week, and boy oh boy.. I just hope I get some sleep tonight… just a little? a tiny bit? heh.. Gotta finish my math.. Gotta math test tomorrow that I gotta do well on.
I sometimes get lonley. It’s normal I suppose – but …. it would be nice to find someone who is all about God. And to find a friend who is more into Jesus about me, who can be there and help mentor me. Time… it needs time doesnt it? Everything takes…. time.
And I have so little of it to spare.
Click here….& Listen.
Well… Thats it for me. I’m gunna go.
God Bless…
Pray Harder