Hey everyone

Life has been good. Easter weekend was good, had a chance to bring JJ to church with me.

That was good.

I met someone at my work who goes to the same church that I do.

That was good.

I’ve been keeping so busy that I think I almost had a breakdown last week. I felt like I had a huge weight on my chest. Thankfully… Jesus’ blood will never failed me. I’m much better now. I just have to keep him in sight, and not let other things.. feelings get in the way of my purpose. I lift my hands and heart and give all my praise to Jesus! Thank you Lord! For everything.

We went out last weekend to Dennys, and yeah.. that was nice.

I’ve been able to talk to Chris… *for my mom who very occasionally reads this* he’s a friend I have up in Oregon. I met him online.. not from Oregon.. infact I met him through Katie… you know the CT girl. Yeah.. Anyway its been good.. I’ve been able to talk to both of them more as of the past two days and thats a good thing.

Emily is going to talk to the youth pastor I spoke to about being baptized. Thats exciting sutff….

Blazers lost to the Lakers in double overtime.. they were ahead by one point with 1 second left and kobe hit a 3 at the buzzard.. they were in the Blazers homecourt… that kinda sucked.. well it really sucked. But the game didnt mean that much.. I mean.. even if they woulda won they still woulndnt have gone to the playoffs.

Anything else? Phone was replaced, and yeah so I have no phonebook. so I lost everyones number. So if you wanna talk to me you gotta call me – k thats nuff for now

God Bless!

Pray Hard.


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