Hey everyone

This is a first! this is a school time – Mid morning Post.

News news.. whats new?

My schedule for work was approved. So I’ll be working (when the times change on april 4th – time in AZ doesn’t change, but my work hours do) so I’ll be working from 10:30 – 7 on Sunday still, then Monday – Thursday from 12:30 to 8:00 and on Friday 12:30 – 4:30. Why 6 days? I had to. When the times change in the spring, we go back one hour (I was working 12:30 – 9:00) but now it would have been 11:30 to 8:00, and I have class still during that time, so I had to skim an hour off of each day and then I just made those hours up on Friday. So my only day off now is Saturday, and I get off work early friday evening. Its not so bad I suppose.

I tried to do two sections last night of my homework, but at 3am my mom woke up and told me to go to bed hahaha.. I ended up waking up at like 7? oh well. 4 hours aint so bad, and my homework? well… I tried. I’ll just have to do the same thing tonight, and so on. – I just hope I don’t fall asleep at work! heh, that wouldn’t be so good.

What else.. what else… I spoke to Zaka, so my long search to find her has paid off. It’s okay everyone.. She’s fine.

I…. think I’m done for now. The thing I need to do is pray more at night, like last night I was pretty tired, and just crashed when my mom told me to go to bed. I didn’t even put up a fight.. I was like.. “bed? – Ok.” So yeah… I gotta watch that.

Other than that.. I’m good. Its Good.

Next Mission : Talk to Brandy

God Bless!


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