The Struggle with Faith

All across America we are privileged for this is the land by the people and for the people. We can speak our minds and our thoughts on just about anything, but religion catches the eye. Religion is a controversial subject, especially when we speak of Christians. Over seas we are seen as a very privileged country to have the religious freedom rights that we have. As we look at ourselves in and out of the church as a body of Christ, we realize the struggles that are faced.Christian’s in America have very little faith compared to those in the same belief, in other countries.

In the Jesus Freak CD released by DC Talk, an announcer broadcasts over the airwaves the following statement, “The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.” Let us call this the American system; although some may call it a personal system for the states, it is not the way to live a lifestyle. Many times it is the reason people do not wish to associate themselves with any particular religion, but nobody wants to be found guilty by association. So often than not, we are pushed to the conclusion by our own minds that we are better than others if we go to church, read the Bible, or pray every night.This is a far cry from the truth as we are all sinners and all imperfect. The only person to live a perfect sinless life is Jesus Christ.Most of the people that do make time to go to church don’t live by what they learn. A lot of the times they actually turn their head to the truth and live the direct opposite way the scripture tells them. We cannot see anything but a skeleton of faith stashed away in the closet, however, when it comes to the existence of Jesus Christ in their lives, we come to a similar conclusion.

There are some parts and aspects of our faith that many simply forget about. Finding actual Christians isn’t as hard as many would imagine. In fact, anyone can find people deep in faith in any religion. What sets us apart from anyone else in other countries with our struggles in this era? The answer may be in our biggest blessing – our freedom. It is not God’s fault for the way we are but in fact,it is our own fault and nobody wants to listen to the truth anymore. Just think of how many people wear a cross, proclaim Jesus Christ, then turn and forget what they’ve just uttered from their mouths. All they tend to leave behind are swears and filth that are smeared around their world. Jesus is not in our lives to make an impression but maybe it’s because our hearts aren’t pure. In the bible it says, “God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8. We, as a nation, do not appear to have a grasp on reality since we seem to sit back and watch as it slips through our hands like butter.

We struggle with the word of faith and bringing the truth to others. Our teeth are already rotten by all of the lies that pass through them on a daily basis, so much now that the lies and hypocritical faith just slip through our teeth smoother than floss. It’s a two edged sword, but if we are cut by it, we bleed and heal. If we really loved all of our brothers and sisters we would witness to them. In most cases we might get shot down, but it would all be worth the battle if even one person came to Christ. By having the cure to every hearts deepest desire and knowing how to get cured, many would spread the biggest secret in their life like a wildfire. The answer to the problem is: it’s a secret.In the same section of the bible, they talk a little more about faith when they say, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”Matthew 5:16. Unworthy are we to not mention him in our lives, only talking to him when depressed and down, not giving praise when life is glorious.Glory is to God and no other, but we struggle with these words of faith.

In the Land of the free we struggle with the word of faith, while the worldwide population is ready to die for a chance to read the Bible. Stores of people across the world have them carving half the bible on walls in their homes, or memorizing numerous versions of the bible, word for word.In China, for every one person that is persecuted, 100 more come to Christ. Yet here in America, we want to blame God for what happens in our school systems, yet they do not allow God in our schools. We struggle as a nation but we are only the “Youth of a nation”.

© J.A.D. 2004

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