Hey hey

I wanna listen to rock music and just scream. woooo! TOBYMAC BABY!

For all you goombas today who didn’t know – today is my birthday. Yesterday we ate at Black Angus so we wouldn’t have to make my dad wait (today) and be all tired and extreemly hungy. (my choice) but anyway.. How about today? how good was today?

I had TONS of stupid people, like I did yesterday. Wait.. hold up.. lets start over.

I woke up.. not bad… watched something on tv til I left.

Came to work – all parking spaces taken.. I had to park a few parking lots away from work. I walk inside, and someone is sitting in my desk. No biggie. I take the desk next to mine.. and sit down. Calls in Q, all day. Not only that (refering back to beginning) I had TONS and TONS of stupid people, like I did yesterday. Infact I had a supervisior call or two today to top it all off. Nobody at work rememberd my brithday.. and thats fine. I didn’t expect them to – but the person who does the Birthday cards forgot about it – and remebered 15 minutes before my shift ended. Then whispers *happy birthday and rubs my back* oh my.

So I got home.. GOOD times, At least work was over.

Blazers up… by 10… No.. now 20!! Yay! A Blowout! Today is a good day afterall!!

I open my present my parents got my for my Birthday and it has previously been opened. So during halftime I got them to go to Target and exhange it for a digital camera that hasn’t been used. We go to the place near my house.. to EXCHANGE it. Get a new (unopened one) and the woman tells us that there will be charge of 15 dollars restocking fee.. even tho the electrions guy told her to defect it out. So after explaining to the woman like 5 or more times… saying we Got it opened… she asked her TLOD (team leader on duty) and yeah… he was like.. “oh no there shouldn’t be a charge” shes like “but they opened it” and then we had to yell somemore.. becuase the stupid woman doesnt listen. REGUARDLESS even if she didn’t hear.. I worked at Target guest service for 1/2 the time I worked at Target.. becoming a supervisior at guest service. We don’t charge that unless the person is trying to rip you off. HOW were we ripping them off? Did we look poor? What was it?

So we get back home with the camera.. and the Blazers are up by 23 in the 3rd quarter. 4th quarter starts – up by 18…. then with 50 seconds left.. the Sonics are up by two. Last shot.. Damon Stoudamire sends the game into Overtime.

Overtime – Blazers lose it.. Lost by 11? I don’t know.. I don’t care.. I got fusturated. The day? A waste. heh… I’m glad my own brother called my parents today to tell them about a SUNS TRADE and didn’t MENTION MY NAME.

Guess what?


Thats all. I’m not in a great mood. So if I bark at you tonight.. I’m sorry. 🙂

Goodnight – God Bless


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