Hey hey

Today was pretty good.

I woke up.. *always a good way to start your day*

And then I …. well I forgot what I did. around 1:30 Emily came over, while she did… I was on the phone with Liz – got to talk to her for a little bit while I cleaned off Emilys car, and stuff. We took pictures http://GT.shoxwave.com they came out pretty well. I got tired of wiping her car down everytime it sprinkled so I moved it inside the garage.

Parents came home – we went to eat at In-N-Out, while there.. we deiced to go bowling later on.

Came home- sat around. I finally got my check from Sprint – so I got to cash it, and put it towards my credit card bill. Fun stuff! Then we went bowling, arrived at the place at like 7:00

Came in… bowled a game… 2nd round the pins were being knocked down before we hit them.. sometimes none would come up so it would be a strike even if you hit the reset button. We complained about it all. They gave us a bowling pin. We were on this deal to bowl for 2 hours… and it got delayed.. so they extended our time.

They moved us to another lane.. and yep – so that was more time. It was pretty cool.. the manager opened our lane and let us play for a while.. infact – until 10:30. Not too shabby after all the hassle we went thru – I think it was worth it.

We didn’t end up leaving til like 10:45? heh.. then on the way home my parents started talking… about Oregon. Very very interesting – I must say.. and yet… very positive.

Came home – got online.. talked to Kendy for a little bit.. Emily came online.. Got the pictures! heh.. and now shes complaing about going to take a shower so I’m going to stop here.. say goodnight.. and talk to you tomorrow!

Tomorrow.. I work. Bah!

heh… thats all for me tho..

God Bless


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