Hey everyone.

Want the good news or bad news first?

Okay. Bad news.

Blazers lost tonight.

Good news?

I called up Brandy, it was nice to talk to her. Its been soo long since we talked on the phone.

Not a very productive day. My checking account went from having a balance to 0 in like… 24 hours. *paying off credit card*

Fun stuff. Really.. heh

Sidenote : If you are depressed.. man woman.. child.. boy brother sister, girl.. whoever. Doesn’t matter. If you write stuff you don’t want people seeing.. why write it? If you write for the sake of writing.. why keep the letters? If you write suicide letters, or poems to do with death and destruction, that you think would get you in deep stuff with your parents.. why would you keep it around? Why? No really… I find no sense in it. YOU have a choice to KEEP it or RID of it from your life. Instead of dwelling on things in your life, why don’t you try to move on. You keep the Good, rid of the bad. Thats the way it works.

Directed towards anyone? One person… no.. Two. wait… Maybe more..

OTHER than that… I’m good. I feel like writing. Maybe I’ll do that.

God Bless everyone


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