Year: 2003

I woke up today, and went in the shower. Came back and called my baby before going getting ready to leave. I was at work, and it was pretty slow – not bad. Nobody really stupid to talk about, people auctually commend me for doing a good job, and request me. I got off work…

I had things to talk about until I came home and talked to Sabrina. Then the world stopped spinning and the hands of time stopped and everything just seemed so less important compared to her. Sabrina has made me one of the happiest guys around. Reguardless of what happens in my day, I come home…

I have a horrid headache.. again. My mouth hurts too. 25th? I doubt it. I hate it, but I doubt it. – wow my mouth hurts. Work was ok, but I don’t know why I took any time off now. I’d rather be working 🙁 Other than that? I been kinda mad at my mom……

I had a wonderful conversation last night with Sabrina. By the way – it is the 25th of this month. I was at work and that pretty much was my day. I didn’t have a bad day at work, everything went pretty well. Only one thing kinda sucked, and that was I was late getting…

I woke up this morning, came online and started to smile. Unbelieveable how beautful Sabrina is every time I see her. So today was my day to relax, and relax I did. I ate Krispy Kreme… Yum. I got to sleep in until about 11 and that was really nice compared to 6 of tomorrow….