Today I went into work, and about at 11 am I got the worst pain in my mouth I’ve had. Ever. And yeah – it didn’t let up. So I signed up to go home early – and don’t you know that everyday they let people go home eary.. but today they didn’t offer to…..
Year: 2003
I think I am going to make an appointment to see the doctor. Lately the pain has been a little in my mouth – but more than anything.. in my upper left temple. Weird. And buggish.. like if I press on my left side, I can feel stuff. Woop woop – and it hurts too….
hey… thank you everyone for asking. the dentist appointment went fine. my mouth hurts badly. now I only need one or two more things done – then braces, or invisilign and then im done. woop woop I got to work and clocked in a few minutes early. Go me. I want a Mustang GT. 94ish…
Go Red Sox. Now I don’t have to hear about Sabrinas friend going to the games – because she has no games to go to! My 2nd team (after Seattle) Yankees. Woop woop. Go Yankees. I had a good day. Infact.. I was 15 minutes late for work today. Uhm. I had a supervisor call…
Good songs : Pretty much alll of Hillary Duffs new CD. *listens to it as he is typing this* So.. I went to work today.. almost got sent home early. I got to work kinda late.. (10minutes) because of detours. Rawwr. BUT.. I made it up by takin a 5 minute break. Almost was sent…