New Entry. I was disturbed tonight. JJ no longer wanted to talk about Jesus, but instead – make fun of him. He sent me a picture that made fun of Jesus. Then he said “all hail jesus” He talked to Emily, saying it was a friend of his that sent him the picture – he talked to Emily because she was outraged. It was all on him as far as I’m concerned – and he was the one who sent it to me. Emily wanted to reply to everything they said, but I told her to stop. As far as it goes to JJ, the Bible talks about how if people aren’t going to listen to not waste your breath because they aren’t ready to open their ears and minds and see the truth.

I really thought he had more class than that. I thought our conversations would be kept on a serious level. Apparently he wasn’t that mature. Sorry – that wasn’t right. I take it back, but in response, I didn’t make fun of his religon. I’m not even going to comment about it, how could I? If I do I’ll just get mad, and thats what he wants me to do. Sometimes it is just better to walk away and not do anything. I could post the picture up here.. but thats just showing you all what I found offensive, letting the pictures get out to more people. No thanks – but I’ll just say JJ lost a Ton of respect when he did that. I never thought he would do something so… heh.. he’s really a class act.

Today at work they had free Hot chocolate. It wasn’t that bad…

Speaking of work, I worked today, I have tomorrow off. It was really slow. The whole last hour I got 1 call, so that was pretty cool. Everyone is either leaving out of town today, or getting ready to. On top of that, on Friday it should be slow. Same with Sunday, then it will probably pick up and people will be asking why the treadmill they haven’t used since last January isn’t working and how can they burn off the pounds they just put on over the weekend.


I don’t know what else to say….

My mouth has stopped hurting for the most part due to these pills that are making more of the pain go away, thats always good.

Best part about tomorrow… Its my regular off day, and I get paid for it. And same with Christmas and New Years. Gotta Love it!

Thats it for now


*update* I never had any respect for Theron, only because I never had the chance to – I never knew him. Only what JJ would tell me about him. I’m beginning to think I want nothing to do with either of them. Its fine tho, I’ll get over this and forgive both of them even if they don’t apologize.

*update 2* I love you all. Even you that posted on my site. I love you as Jesus himself would.

*update 3* I’m not mad – I’m just hurt that this all came from the conversation me and JJ had. I can do nothing but close my eyes and pray to God to forgive all of you, for you know not what you have done. And I pray to God that you will someday come to him.

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