My convo with JJ last night went a little something like this….

DCxr7: do you have an interest in being friends with me?
DOUble09g: yeah why would you ask
DCxr7: whats your cell?
DOUble09g: (480) 593-0234
DCxr7: mine is
DCxr7: 623-341-0774
DOUble09g: alright
DOUble09g: what’s going on?
DCxr7: chillin
DCxr7: takin it easy
DOUble09g: cool
DCxr7: yup
DCxr7: you?
DOUble09g: just sittin here and stuff
DOUble09g: sorry I know I should be talking more I am trying to console someone
DOUble09g: my faith is different but it’s not weakened I don’t find my faith in god but life itself, yes maybe my opinions are kinda harsh to a point but I am being truthful
DCxr7: in your own belief you are
DCxr7: but thats you
DCxr7: we are two different people
DOUble09g: god provides u with everything right
DCxr7: Sure does
DOUble09g: that’s good and yes we are two different people you have your belief in god and christianity and my belief of self terming and life itself and of the teachings of the far east religons
DCxr7: exactly
DCxr7: two differnt people
DCxr7: two beliefs
DCxr7: two totally different thoughts
DCxr7: so when you say stuff you say it like its the Fact& thats it.
DOUble09g: it is what it is
DCxr7: Yeah. Thats why I have to let you know how it is.
DOUble09g: how you let me know
DCxr7: exactly
DOUble09g: aren’t you the one that is so sure of himself
DCxr7: Of myself? no. Of my God? Yes.
DOUble09g: if it is comming from god and then it is of yourself don’t you think
DCxr7: No, its of God. Not me. My life isnt about me. My life is Lived for God and God Only.
DOUble09g: so if god told you something in a dream would you believe it
DCxr7: It would have to be more than a dream. He doesn’t really come to you in dreams. If an angel appeared before me and told me to believe in something … you bet your life I would. If it says it in the Holy Bible.. you bet your life I will.
DOUble09g: so you wouldn’t believe god came in a dream told you something and it actually happen, aren’t christians supposed to be forgiving of peoples sin as well of god forgives you of them
DCxr7: I’m not going to play into your game of saying that its all a mind set. Its not. Jesus Christ is the way to Salvation. Not through a dream. Not through what you Tell yourself
DOUble09g: so you don’t believe in visions
DOUble09g: visions can come out of anything
DCxr7: Yeah. Including your head.
DCxr7: Jesus Christ And God aren’t things thought up. They aren’t something that comes out of nothing. They are real. They are the Truth the light and the way.
DOUble09g: so my mom is lying when jesus comes to her in a dream and tells her my grandma is going to die soon and she needs to fly and see him before he dies and then she gets there to see him one last time before he dies, so that is all in her head
DCxr7: did I say It can’t happen? No. But I’m not going to sit here and agree with you that its something you control. Its not. My God is an Awesome God. There is no limit to what he can do.
DCxr7: The Key to Salvation : Accept Jesus Christ As your Personal Lord and Savior.
DCxr7: There is no way around it. No other way. All other Gods before him are False.
DOUble09g: that doesn’t affect me
DCxr7: Well thats fine. I pray for you and your soul the day we are all Judged
DCxr7: That some day, maybe you will come to understand and accept the truth.
DOUble09g: I accept the truth not the same truth you see
DCxr7: There is only one truth.
DOUble09g: yep for each person everyone believes in something different
DCxr7: And for every Christian that is killed in the middle east each second.. 15 more come to Christ and the Truth. There is only one way, and hopefully someday you will come to be my brother through Christ.
DOUble09g: when did you know god was for you
DCxr7: I knew God was for me when I read the bible. When did I accept the Truth? When I was younger. I always cried, I never had a meaning. We had this tape lying around the house where at the end of it… it asked you if you wanted to become a Christian. I got down on my knees – started crying and asked Jesus to come into my life. He has opened my eyes to so many things, so many ways. He is awesome. I cannot say how much It changes your life. Even if you aren’t expecting it to, sure you slip sometimes, and you may drink or swear. Not that its okay to.. its not. But nobody is perfect except Jesus.
DOUble09g: what makes jesus perfect he once was human you know just like you or me
DCxr7: Jesus lived to help those around him believe. Everyone had a hard time believeing he could be the son of God. Be all that he did – was something not any human can do. he is perfect for all the things he did, for all that he followed and that he gave up his life so that we could have everlasting life. Jesus is the Son of God. He Lived a Sinless life. He gave his life to wipe away all of our sins. Because if he hadn’t done that all mankind would be pretty much damned to hell. he did it and went through the trial and tribulations. he knew what he had to do when he came to earth, God sent his Only son to this earth for us. Jesus is perfect because he never sinned. We aren’t perfect because we have all sinned.
DOUble09g: if jesus isn’t human what he is?
DOUble09g: is he*
DCxr7: Jesus is the Son of God. He was human – he gave up his life for us because he wanted to Save the world – Just because he is the son of God doesn’t me he isn’t human. He has the ability to heal and help others. But that doesn’t mean he wanst human.
DCxr7: He was once like us, but he had ways to not be pressured, and not give in. Not take into sinful ways – unlike us. We give into all those things that continuely has us sinning
DOUble09g signed off at 12:44:34 AM.
DOUble09g signed on at 12:56:51 AM.
DCxr7: wb
DOUble09g: thankz my aim froze
DCxr7 wants to directly connect.
DOUble09g is now directly connected.
DCxr7: DOUble09g: if jesus isn’t human what he is?
DOUble09g: is he*
DCxr7: Jesus is the Son of God. He was human – he gave up his life for us because he wanted to Save the world – Just because he is the son of God doesn’t me he isn’t human. He has the ability to heal and help others. But that doesn’t mean he wanst human.
DCxr7: He was once like us, but he had ways to not be pressured, and not give in. Not take into sinful ways – unlike us. We give into all those things that continuely has us sinning
DOUble09g: I know all these facts of truth are in the bible but what inside yourself gives you the faith to be in god and this is not a god itself question what pulls you to him and jesus and all the beliefs
DCxr7: I told you
DCxr7: I answered that when you asked whe did you know God was for me?
DOUble09g: you told me of how you become into god and everything but just a video there had to be something bigger deep down to drive you to knowing it was right for you
DCxr7: a video?
DOUble09g: that’s what you said right
DCxr7: no
DCxr7: ” I knew God was for me when I read the bible. When did I accept the Truth? When I was younger. I always cried, I never had a meaning. We had this tape lying around the house where at the end of it… it asked you if you wanted to become a Christian. I got down on my knees – started crying and asked Jesus to come into my life. He has opened my eyes to so many things, so many ways. He is awesome. I cannot say how much It changes your life. Even if you aren’t expecting it to, sure you slip sometimes, and you may drink or swear. Not that its okay to.. its not. But nobody is perfect except Jesus.
DOUble09g: ok a tape you didn’t say what kind of tape besides reading the bible anything could open your eyes was it something you needed to grab on and from that it has make your life better
DCxr7: nope
DCxr7: I read other stuff and other religons
DCxr7: but *shakes head*
DCxr7: Do you use faith when you sit in a chair? when you get in a car? When your eating? Same thing. Pretty much anything – if not everything requres even the smallest bit of faith. And once you experience god.. like sitting on a chair.. or eating food- you know without a doubt … you know with every fiber in your body that he IS real.
DCxr7: Do you think we were just put on this earth or is there a meaning to being here? How were we, as people created, and I dont mean by our parents – but I mean the creator of man-kind itself. Your beliefs are in what you think and what you know is true. I know that the power jesus had and the healing and helping of others helped us make a difference in the world. Jesus gave us his life so that we could live today, we do have sins. But he died for us and our sins. All we have to do is Accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savoir.
DOUble09g: I accept my individal-ness, I don’t question I learn and what I learn I use everyday to live my life I don’t have to ask god for what I should do and what I shouldn’t, If I had to It would feel like being a slave, anything that takes choice away from you, owns you, I know you don’t care for what I have to say about it, But, If god told you couldn’t take a piss would you keep your word from doing it even though you would have to cut it off and you don’t have any children and of course you are going to say something like god wouldn’t do that and what would god really do or what does he really do, do you have these same questions you ask everyday or you always have the answers
DCxr7: If you are serving God, then you won’t feel like a slave. His will – Will be come your own. No – I don’t have these same questions, the questions come, I got some help with my friend Katie and Emily. They both share my belief and helped me word stuff better. Think common sense – God wouldn’t say something like that – and yes you know, so why question it? God doesn’t always speak upon what you should or shouldn’t do. he gives you guidelines and it is your choice to follow them or not. Follow them and be led towards the path of God.. and to not follow it.. may still lead you there.. but a in a harder way. God has things set out for you.. and you sought the answer.. or you sought to know what to follow. Its not like he gives you a new quest everyday to figure out what is right from wrong? You don’t have to question everyday or everything that you do. If you understand the true meaning of God and his Son, jesus Christ. then you won’t have to have a sense of question but a sense of security.

And thats that.

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