It is always weird when a girl calls you Bro

I found that…….. utterly weird – infact… I still do.

Today was my papa’s birthday. I got to sleep in, update my site ( ) and I must say today I’ve hit at least 77 people in one day. Thats the most ever.

I updated my site until like 5 am last night, and then I talked to a (then sleeping on the phone) Sabrina. Either way.. I got stuff out I had to say. heh

What else?

I feel like I’m startin to trip. I went for a walk tonight and I just felt so worthless. Gosh.. I gotta keep my head up. It’s not good for me to think – so KEEP ME BUSY! Gah! At least tomorrow I get to work and have people scream at me all day. I suppose that will keep me busy.

Today we eneded up getting my dad a Sprint Account of his own.. and I got a sprint phone. I also canceled my ATT account. I get a discount with Sprint, and right now I need to be careful with my money and not be locked into any contracts (just in case crap happens). So yeah… thats the ONLY reason I’m going with Sprint.

The person at the Sprint store was pretty cool. He actually told us to go into Costco and pick it up for cheaper. It was 169 and in the store it was 225 or something. So that was pretty cool of him, and you got a lot of accessories for free that you would usually have to pay for.

So I have Sprint. Not new.. Not improved – but hey I got a new phone I paid major bucks for right?

And my dad has his own account now too.

Other than that – me and my mom picked him up a coat and some slippers for at night, and uh.. oh we ate at Black Angus. I had a nice yummy steak.

Whenever I eat steak I get calm – (hence my walk turning into me feeling reallllly badly)

I’ll get better. How can’t I? I have a good car. A good phone. I get to work tomorrow – & I’m listening to Music!

I’m gunna go. HEADS UP. Thats the name of the game


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