
What’s up people?

It turns out those really strong and addicting drugs they gave me was a mistake.

Yeah – Now I’m hooked

I have to have like 3 of them a day or else I’m in total pain all the time.

Fun stuff right?

The doctor is really worred because whenever I go for a little without it.. I get really bad pains.. so they don’t know what they are going to do as far as Lowering the Meds gradually…

So here is what they came up with…

Well… looks like I will be getting inrolled in a drug re-hab program for the next six weeks.

I have to pay with my own freaking expenses to go to the program.. get checked in.. and then be certified that I’m cleared out of it all.


Best part is.. : Its not even in town

Location : Dallas Texas

So that screws any chance of getting into school.

Just great.

When things can’t get any worse.. they do.

Why me?

I just love me.

Heh – I thought about that.. and this is the order that I love….

1. God – first and foremost
2. Sabrina… – she is pretty much my meaning.
3. My family… – Without them.. where would I be?
4. My friends.. – Well.. maybe I should say.. my friend?
5. And then.. of course myself. Why? I don’t know… sounds good tho. 😉
How about this..
Will the REAL update please SHOW UP?

The drugs they gave me have been working and I pretty much haven’t had to take any for a while now – so things are getting better.

I went back to the dentist… the same one that caused this whole thing… (because when I took the pills initally all of the pain stopped in my mouth expect for my tooth) I went in and it turned out that the cap that they put in was way way way way way off, they were like… “wow… I can’t believe we didn’t catch that” So yeah. The tooth had a point where it was pushing down on a nerve in my mouth.. and that nerve was really close to that whole left side muscle thingy that made me hurt. Yeah… I was happy to find out that… really!! I mean.. even then they didn’t take the blame by any means by admiting anything. Whats the outcome? I don’t want the legal stuff from it all… and everything is slowly improving everday. So on my way out they sat me down.. and they were like… “we know that might have caused you a little bit of pain… but because you are a student we are going to help you out with this” … and the woman pulled up a record that showed a lot of stuff that my insurance did not cover and that I was going to have to pay on top of the 1K that I already had. It was like 230 bucks and change – they were like.. “we will just make this disappear” So screw it – I don’t have to go to a lawyer or anything to get things setteled.. so I’ll just take that and go. I don’t think I should have any more problem. It seems that I am done with it.

My Conclusion : The tooth caused all the problem because they didn’t have it in right.. causing pain everytime I ate and making me loose a lot of sleep. So what? Well.. I think what happened was that when the tooth was getting pressed on my mouth’s nerve … one of the muscles went into shock or a spazam. The meds I took have taken care of that. So I got some stuff cleared that I would have had to pay out of pocket – and right now I can’t afford to pay another 200 bucks or so to a dentist. Looks like I wont need a root canal IF it keeps healing and improving everday. If by some chance it gives up and just starts hurting again.. I will need a root canal – but I’m not going back to that doctor. I wonder why?

Pressing charges? Believe me – I would have.. and I would still like to… but my doctor has told me the same thing the specialist told me. There is virtually no proof that anything was wrong. SO the dentist would have to admit that they were at fault.. and that would make a lot of things for them go up and higher in price (basically mal-practice) so.. that’s not going to happen – besides.. I already took that route remember?

Okay.. And the Blazers? Who knows.

They lost against Seattle and beat the Hawks the next night – I hope that type of pattern doesn’t keep up. I don’t want a .500 team when they are good enough to be .600 +

Thats it. I’m done. I don’t wanna type ANY more.


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