My x-rays came back and I don’t have any broken bones or any bone damage. It came as such a friggin big suprise to me.

I went back to the doctor, and he gave me some other meds I should take for the next 6 days, if they don’t work.. I’m supposed to call him again.

I changed my carriers. Starting November I will have a different provider.. (for cell phone service) new number and all. Yay. It’s about time. And so that is that, so far.. on my first phone call to the new company – I had to speak to a supervisior… to complament the person taking the call. His name happened to be Jason. Woo go figure.

Work has been just that…. work. It has been okay.. I don’t really have anybody cool or stupid to talk about… more over.. just everyone is regular and everything so less…. outrageous when you handle customers like I do.

Blazers opened the season yesterday – and they lost. Record : 0 – 1

I feel as tho I am still struggling to find myself and am like a car with wheels in mud.. spinning.. using all of my gas.. and still getting no where. But that will change really soon now.

The two things I have going for me are my family and Sabrina, and in that same breath….

I am disappointed. In one person.. as I have been the past 24 hours or so since I’ve learned what I’ve learned. This is all I will mention of this, and I will say no more.

*shakes head* whatever. who cares, its too late to keep promises anyway.

Promises built on a foundation of mud.

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