I hope you all like my spiffy new picture. Woop woop

Anyway.. on with the show.. and my productive… day….

I called up Sprint and complained about a mister Damon Rucker from TN.

They told me his supervisior would be getting back to me in 48 hours or less. *sets watch to see if it happens* SO if by 6:00pm (Arizona time) on Wednesday I haven’t heard anything.. I’m gunna call them and.. heh.. lets just say I’m not going to be too happy if it comes to that.

The stupid woman who took my call got me mad right away. I’m all.. who do I speak to about getting an overage of minutes waived? She’s all.. well I have to start with your area code first – I’m like.. “Okay…. ### – ### – #### … okay sir that was.. ###…???? I was like.. *repeated number* So that was… ###…and what was the rest? *yells* IT WAS ### – ### – #### OKAY? So she says.. Sir you don’t have to Yell *cough*Uh.. *replies* Then LISTEN TO ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU.

Gah. *slaps forehead* She made my day better. I found out I don’t have any overage in my minutes…like Damon said I did, and she refered me to the supervisior’s supervisior.. (Damons supervisior) saying that she had done a lot of these because of Damon. Pronounced.. Daaaaa mon. not like Day… more like.. dah! lol.. got it? Think of it as Dah Mon *laughs*

Okay. I had a pretty good day.. it went quick. I haven’t been sleeping well due to the pain in my mouth.. so I called the doctors and they want me to get some x-rays done tomorrow.

Fun. More money.

And uh… I turned in my schedule bid. Today was the last day to do it.. so its a good thing I did! heh
Hmm.. because of those fires in Cali, they moved the San Diego Chargers game to the Sun Devil Stadium… and hey.. its a free game. I wouldn’t go.. and didn’t. I wouldn’t go by myself.. and I don’t prefer football.

Robert took some jabs at me today about the Yankees… maybe he didn’t mean any harm.. but I coulda ripped his head off when he was saying it. Its all… *I said to him* “You don’t care about sports, but now all of the sudden you do?.. well either way.. the Yankees have won the most out of ANY franchise anywhere… Ever. You can’t Top that.” He kept saying “oh well with that much money.. blah blah blah” Yeah..yeah… whatever Robert.

Haters. *glares at everyone who knows they are*

Yeah thats it.


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