Yankees Lost.

Blazers Won.

I had a good time with Emily when we went to the Suns game…

My mouth has been hurting a little bit more.. due to the fact that since the game (friday) I’ve taken two pills. I’m trying to not take them anymore, so.. I hope it doesn’t hurt… so I don’t have to take any.

Anyway…. 29 pills left out of 30 in my bottle (since refill).

NBA Season starts Wednesday… Yay

I need to turn in my schedule bid tomorrow…. so I can hopefully get one of the 8 shifts I am applying for. (they want us to turn in 20 requests).. so hopefully they don’t get mad.

I’m updating this because I see that Sabrina visits a lot. So I am going to try and update more- but I’m not going to update if I have nothing to update about. heh.. makes sense doesnt it?

I think I may go with ATT wireless.. or Nextel… I’m not sure which..

K thats it


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