Yankees have to win the next two game or they will not win the World Series.

Flordia needs to in one more game.

The rain delayed game, was won by the Marlins.

FYI – I love Basketball. Baseball is a second.. and I really only follow my teams in the playoffs. Its too boring… Yanno?

At least basketball season is coming up right?

Tonight : Basketball game : NBA Preseason : Blazers vs Suns

Where? : America West Arena

Who? : Emily, Me.. and a few other Blazer fans scattered in the crowd.

Why the lack of updates? I’ve been busy. And I’ve also been tired.

Its a little after 1, and Emily is going to pick me up at 5 or 5:30 depending on when she gets down here. For some reason – I love the Blazers and the NBA, but this game.. is like.. ehhh okay whatever. Not too important to me, but on the other hand, I would like to see my team play, and it gives me something to do on my off day. (today)

Work updates – We are going to have a schedule bid. It really sucks, but some things you just can’t control. So there goes my off days that I’ve had, and there goes my whole schedule for my daily life. Fun stuff… no really….

The dentist subject – I went to go to talk to him, and he said he couldn’t do anything for me. My mom at the time.. was having mouth pains because of one of her teeth, and at the current time she doesn’t have any dental insurance.. so to make a long story short… he said that he would take a look at her and perscribe her some medicine and then we could call it “even”. (he wouldn’t charge her) So thats what we did.

Sprint – Welcome to the worst customer service ever. I have (along with the many many many other problems that I’ve had with them) been getting charged for my unlimited minutes. Infact I had apparently charged up about 1000 minutes over my plan because they charged me for my free minutes. So I had to call them and get everything straightened out. I called them up and asked if they were going to do anything to try and keep my business (my contract ends in a month) and they basicaly said No. So does any know of any good plans or any good cell phone companies? My cell phone I have now is going to be given to Emily. She still has sprint and sprint phones can only be used with sprint. Sucks doesnt it, but I guess no business or individual is going to help anyone anymore in this time and age.

Personal Thought – Those companies and people most likely think that I’m just some 19 year old trying to stir up some trouble, or maybe just trying to get something for free or discounted. Oh well. I’m not going to fret about it.

Okay, so anyway.. I didn’t post for a while.. so now I have. Enjoy

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