I’m having an okay night.

All day was good, I got to talk to Sabrina, and that always keeps me in a good mood.

I went out for dinner, my dad kinda ragged on Oregon a little.. but kept my cool. Then we got into a discussion about school and funding.

My point of view

Leap of faith – if God really wants to go and if I’ve tried really hard to get the money then everything should work out – reguardless of if I have the money when I go down to Texas.

My parents…

If I don’t get the money- they will pay for it. The conversation ended in me telling them that I don’t want them to pay for my school, and if it comes down to it – then i’d rather not go than have them pay for it.

So now I’m just thinking.

My dad had a point on the whole leap of faith thing, about if you have no other resources then go ahead and see what can happen…

I don’t want to put that on my parents. Rawr. Makes me really furious – the fact that I want to be in school so badly, but – I don’t want them paying for it.

Thinking of it from that stand point that my dad had.. – dare I say – makes sense.

So… I’m sittin, thinkin….

The good news : Tomorrow is Monday. The bad news : Tomorrow is Monday.

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